That actress was Miss Kitty Russell herself, Amanda Blake. According to Greenlands book, Blake was ready to show the executives of CBS exactly how she felt. I loved her very much, Weaver said. He was a great singer and sang with the Sons of The Pioneers. But Festus was both more reliable and harder working, and rarely complained in comparison to Chester. Why did Amanda Blake leave Gunsmoke? Eventually, she quit the show because she was sick of traveling. She lived in Phoenix but traveled to Hollywood to film the show. In her personal life, she was married briefly to Don Whitman in the 50s. She went on to marry three other men: Jason Seymour Day Jr., Frank Gilbert, and Mark Edward Spaeth. Polly retired from acting after getting married. However, some characters made more impressions than others. However, none of them lasted or thrived for as long asGunsmokedid. I was probably one of their biggest fans. Festus continued to assist Matt and Thad, but he did not become a Deputy US Marshall himself until a while after Thad left the show. Wasnt the Dennis Weaver movie called Duel? I use to say to myself when Chester was on, WHY do they keep him. I have the dvds and the books, cups and clothes. Gunsmokewas a popular and successful show, going from a 30- minute run on television to an hour. The TV show Gunsmoke was a classic and it ran for 20 years on CBS. "The Sharecroppers" was a more comedic outing that was in no way intended as a final episode, which is a point that led to bitterness among the cast and especially Arness. The show aired many years ago, but it is still talked about by people of all ages, especially those who watched and enjoyed it. Thad Greenwood was the first. There was also Doc Adams, the towns physician, and Kitty Russell, the owner of Long Branch Saloon. ", Fortunately for Weaver, however, the move proved to be the right one as far as his ongoing career in the industry was concerned. Issues get settled in ways that many people couldnt pinpoint Dillons stand on morality. Its a tribute to the actors, writers, and crew that we are discussing the show 47 years after it ended. Theyre not so believable and I find them annoying. In seasons 8-9, he is a sharp individual who was very good at fending for himself. & saw the show and old jail , Boot Hill. Upon his cancellation from Gunsmoke, Roger pursued his love of photography. But towards the end of her time on Gunsmoke, she faced a different problem: her declining health. I would have preferred the character of Festus to have retained more of the edge he had in Prairie Wolfer, as opposed to becoming a comedic figure. They believed they were going to come back to shoot another season. As an adult, the first time I saw a rerun of Gunsmoke, I called my brother long distance and excitedly told him to turn on the tv because Gunsmoke was on! Why did you call Festus a Hillman? I particularly dislike episodes that feature Festus. Gunsmoke: Return to Dodge (1987 Curtis pursued music for a long time and, after a while, added acting to his pursuits. The American Western series had 20 seasons, with 635 episodes aired in 20 years. Its still a very good, wholesome show. Gunsmoke reruns never disappoint me. He was worse than and old busy body. However, their marriage was short-lived. Now that's out of the way, a brief introduction. Amen. Upon learning that "Gunsmoke" was on the chopping block, the wife of CBS chief William Paley intervened in protest. The article describes the episode as lighthearted. It followed the character of Festus, who was played by Ken Curtis. Polly Bond Turns Down Gunsmoke Role. I love Festus singing too; Tumbleweed nearly makes me cry. Thankfully, Return To Dodge helped right that wrong. As one of those plucky cowpokes, "Gunsmoke" regular Dennis Weaver's Chester became one the period's most popular characters, with his familiar drawl and home-spun nature playing off against Arness' Dillon and his unflappable, earnest lawman persona. I am 65 and love this show. Before he became Dillons deputy, he was a Hillman with a ragged appearance who wanted to avenge his brothers death. ", Related: Gunsmoke: The Long Ride Finds Marshal Dillion Framed For Murder. In my opinion, Festus was a great replacement for Chester, who I think was just too silly in his role. . Milburn Stone, who played Doc Adams, performed almost in all episodes, except he missed six because of a heart attack. Gunsmokes story lines softened when it was moved in 1961 from its late Saturday night time slot to early Monday or Tuesday nights. The show introduced Fran Ryan as Hannah, the new saloon owner. I watch it over and over. Shortly after departing "Gunsmoke," the actor was cast in the single-season NBC comedy-drama "Kentucky Jones." The series took place in Kansas (Dodge City). His father was a sheriff, and he had spent time working on a jail farm as a child. Chester was never a Marshal, and not even a Deputy Marshal.