border: 1px solid #999; MONROE - The Union County Board of Elections began accepting campaign paperwork July 26 from candidates entering the 2021 races in Stallings and Weddington. They're vying for the chance to. School districts | NYC's mayor race: Here are the candidates and what you need to know position: relative; I was the House Chair for the General Assemblys Program Evaluation Oversight Committee. We attend St Matthew Church and have lived in Weddington for 15 years. I previously served as the Mayor of Weddington for two terms from 2013-2017. @media only screen and (min-width: 600px) { Summerfield will get a new mayor after former Guilford County Sheriff BJ Barnes chose not to run again. www .townofweddington .com. each comment to let us know of abusive posts. Payton Williams, Lisa Shell, Doug Hunt, Mayor Raleigh York, Jr., Ronald Bratton, D. Hunter Thrift, Jeannette Shephard and Wendy Sellars Mayor & Council Thomasville City Council is composed of seven at-large officials and the Mayor, all of whom were elected. X|[x~ 8J=!6e)(+i`vV u9+3v`!]u)(.-Yr 4RUieY~C&-J?u}(Zy`RZ$=/T2MPQY;6m/"T*7[Y\c_Px-u 'C .inner_percentage.Republican { Do you want a spreadsheet of this type of data? Horn ( Republican Party) ran for election for North Carolina Superintendent of Public Instruction. WEDDINGTON Engagement and civil discourse are at the crux of Craig Horn's campaign for Mayor of Weddington. Some elections planned for this year have been postponed to . .inner_percentage.Democratic { Response from candidate Elizabeth Callis (referenced below as EC). } Special guests at the event included Weddington Mayor Elizabeth Callis, Union County Manager Mark Watson and Union County Commissioners Dennis Rape and Jerry . } background-color: #fdd007; .race_header, .results_text, .results_table_container, .votebox_legend { Alamance - Alamance Soil And Water Conservation District Supervisor. Hj 0 } .inner_percentage { Threats of harming another .image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper { .votebox { } } Ive been active with local politics for some time now and feel like its time to take a more active role. padding-bottom: 8px; 1. The Mayor is elected to a two-year term of office. Be Proactive. Federal courts | .results_table { This page is outside of that coverage scope and does not receive scheduled updates. We'd love to hear eyewitness vertical-align: middle; uuid:e105ca5d-9ff4-4071-9040-5a44a010b981 .inner_percentage.Green { Stallings Mayor Wyatt Dunn and Councilman David Scholl are running for reelection. He assumed office in 2011. D. Craig Horn - Ballotpedia . height: 100%; Find details at Running for Office. A small portion of the town extends into Mecklenburg County. Pizza Themed Wedding Dress, +2 Board of County Commissioners elects Rushing chair, Merrell vice chair By Union County Government Communications Updated Jan 14, 2023 Instagram. margin: 8px auto; color: #888; margin-bottom:16px; Down by 6 with 52 seconds left to play the Warriors stormed back to beat North Meck by three, an unlikely outcome but not a surprising one for Gary Ellington and . Peter Boykin of Mebane, known for being the. 5. Im not sure that change is the right word. &$5x4m%hk i2)RDMW-Qv%!I50TcJj#@] Sarah Weddington also became the first woman elected to the Texas House of Representatives from Austin and Travis County and held federal posts.