Empty the pitcher and remove the lid, or the part of the pitcher that houses the filter. Since the pandemic started, I cherish simplicity, covering accessible topics like decorating, cooking, and cleaning. Ad-free. The heavy-duty filter lasts for six months, providing you with clean drinking water on a daily basis. Using a faucet mount is an easy way to filter water directly from the tap. Water pitcher filters use gravity filtration to filter drinking water. Ultimately, while no-one needs to filter their water, the choice is yours. Keep in mind that not all water filters remove the same contaminants. Which Water Filter Pitcher Removes the Most Contaminants? The best pitchers get the job done in a little over a minute, while others take up to 43minutes, on averageor even longer. As well as reducing lead, the PUR PLUS reduces mercury, pesticides, chlorine, and more. If you usually buy bottled water because you prefer the taste, youll benefit from a water purification pitcher. Some long-lasting filters are designed to work effectively for up to six months, or 120 gallons. It typically sells for $17 and carries a yearly filter replacement cost of $30. https://lifestraw.com/products/lifestraw-home-10-cup?variant=40780203229295, Zero Water 8-Cup Stainless Steel Pitcher. Best Water Filter Pitcher for Removing Bacteria? It takes the average 6-cup pitcher up to 10 minutes to filter a full jug of water. Ceramic/Granular Activated Carbon Filters:Removes 95% of contaminants, including pesticides and heavy metals. Luckily, there are many different types of water filters to choose from, including an under-the-sink water filter, which saves space in the refrigerator or countertop, and a water filter pitcher, which is a convenient option with no installation required. Add both to Cart. Weve also heard mentions that the filtering process is quite slow with this pitcher due to how much water the filter can actually move. When you shop through retailer links on our site, we may earn affiliate commissions. Some customers complained that leaking can occur if you pour from the jug while water is in the upper reservoir. Our Good Housekeeping Institute experts scoured the market for the best water filter pitchers, then narrowed down testing to the most promising products based on our categorical expertise. A water filter pitcher looks like a standard pitcher, except the lid of the pitcher is fitted with a filter. Based on personal testing, research into performance, filter capacity, customer satisfaction and ease of use, weve put together this list of the top water filter pitchers on the market today. Pros: Inexpensive to purchase, no installation, easy to use Cons: Vary by model and pore size, filters must be replaced regularly, slow filtering Refrigerator filters She has over 17 years of product testing experience and has held leading roles in product development at Nike and other textile companies. What Contaminants Do Water Purifier Pitchers Remove? Hello Patsy, thanks for reading. We know what makes a filter pitcher a standout for the right and wrong reasons. Show details. . Activated carbon helps. It has a rechargeable removable wand that powers the UV light, which is visible as the water filters through. Some manufacturers also claim that their pitchers meet accepted standards for removing specific contaminants, such as chlorine and lead. The payment for your account couldn't be processed or you've canceled your account with us. You can find filtered pitcher models in a range of sizes. I'm glad that you found our site and you can look forward to authoritative and well researched content here to help you get the best in water. The longer a filter lasts, the less frequently youll need to pay for new water filters but this doesnt always mean youll get a better deal. Third-party certifications allow manufacturers to show their customers that their product performance claims are legitimate. These pitchers typically hold up to 10 cups of water, filtering over time. Which Water Filter Removes the Most Contaminants? Save products you love, products you own and much more! The design of a filter can affect the speed of filtration. Above all, it holds a large amount of water, which means you don't have to refill your pitcher as often. What do Water Filter Pitchers Remove? (Updated 2023 List) We verified that it removes over 80 contaminants. BEST BANG FOR THE BUCK: ZeroWater ZP-010, 10 Cup Water Filter Pitcher BEST LARGE CAPACITY: Brita Stream UltraMax Dispenser BEST BUILT-IN DISPENSER: PUR Classic Water Filter Pitcher. However, some of the best filtered pitcher products can now remove some microbiological contaminants. Pitcher material: Plastic Pitcher capacity: 8 cups Tank capacity: 4 cups Speed of filtration: 68 seconds per cup Filter replacement frequency: Every three months or 60 gallons Yearly filter replacement cost: $120 Dishwasher-safe: Yes (PureVis Wand should be hand washed), This water dispenser from Aquatru took a top spot in our tests because it is one of the water filters that removes the most contaminants. With a filter pitcher, you can take water straight from your tap. *At the time of publishing, the price was $42. Despite filtering hundreds of impurities, this pitcher doesnt eliminate healthy minerals in drinking water, helping to retain the highest standard water quality. Some of the best water filter pitchers remove a range of impurities, including emerging contaminants, volatile organic compounds, and toxic metals. BEST OVERALL: PUR FM-3700 Advanced Faucet Water Filter. Her passion We may earn compensation from some providers below. However, there are so many more trace contaminants in our tap water hundreds, in fact. Youre backed by a lifetime guarantee with this pitcher, so you can return the pitcher for a working model if yours breaks throughout its anticipated lifespan. The downside: This dispenser has a pricey upfront cost of nearly $485, but the filters last longer than most, making the yearly cost of replacing filters comparable to some pitchers that filter fewer contaminants. Generally, they have good products. This pitcher also has the smallest capacity in our tests (6 cups per pitcher), which means youll be racing from faucet to fridge more than a parched teenager after soccer practice. It has been tested to NSF standards 42, 53, 244, 401 & 473 for chemicals and contaminant removal. Filtering ability: Not all water filter pitchers remove the same contaminants; if you have specific filtration needs, be sure to check what each product claims to remove. In addition, we assessed how easy it was to set up the pitcher and filter, how easy it was to pour and how heavy it was once filled. Pitchers are the second-most preferred type of water filter after those. You wont get instant access to filtered water with this type of filter, even with its built-in water dam. It seemed that everyone had a Brita filter, and we all talked about how Brita filters could remove chlorine and improve waters taste. When it comes to contaminant reduction, this pitcher is almost twice as capable as any of its competitors. These contaminants are supposedly safe in trace amounts, but, if given the choice, most people would rather drink safe, contaminant-free water. One of these items ships sooner than the other.