People tend to be self-reliant. D. The overabundance of political maneuvering that takes away from efforts to execute strategy For example, in many countries, religious minorities (religions that are not the dominant religion) often face discrimination. C. A sincere, long-standing company commitment to operating the business according to established traditions, thereby creating an internal environment that supports decision making and strategies based on cultural norms Question 2 of 5 Question 2 2 points Save An We learned that planning. The topic, subtopic, and section number for the subsequent measurement of asset retirement obligations. B. prone to be preoccupied with avoiding risks and are unlikely to pursue actions to capture emerging opportunities. Which of the following is NOT something to look for in identifying a company's culture? A. there is much less risk of embarrassing ethical violations. B. is always a short-term exercise. When Europeans talk about coffee, they are most likely thinking about little espresso cups filled with strong coffee. 25. 80. B. Previous When trying to change a problem culture, management should undertake such steps as: Only rarely, because it is natural for company personnel to cling to existing practices and to be wary of new approaches 61. B. delegating authority to middle and lower-level managers and creating a sense of empowerment among employees to move the implementation process forward. See answers Advertisement andriansp Which of the following situations would make him eligible ? 12) Which of the following statements does NOT describe high-performance cultures? 49. The menu of actions management can take to change problem culture does NOT include which of the following? Treating employees as valued partners E. Shifting from decentralized to centralized decision-making so as to give senior executives more authority and control in driving the cultural change. 65. B. competent leadership at the top. A. C. Celebrating individual, group, and company successes Direct link to kennethdomingo55's post Yes because cultural rel, Posted 6 years ago. Corporate culture depends on how strongly its strategic vision is linked to the company's core values. a) Immediately dismissing any employees caught violating the company's code of ethics or disregarding core values A. strictly enforced policies and procedures. The famous but controversial Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, named after two linguistic anthropologists, Edward Sapir and Benjamin Lee Whorf, argues that people cannot easily understand concepts and objects unless their language contains words for these items (Whorf, 1956). The firm believes they have all the answers because of their past great market success and is thus overconfident. D. When they embrace conflicting business philosophies that are inconsistent with superior strategy execution Direct link to fjduenas's post lol if its not in line wi, Posted 4 years ago. 75. D. there's a spirit of doing what's necessary to ensure long-term organizational success provided that core values and business principles are not compromised and provided top management undertakes the changes in a manner that exhibits genuine concern for the legitimate interests of stakeholders. Novels written by cultural anthropologists Immediately dismissing any employee caught violating the company's code of ethics or disregarding core values A shared willingness to adapt core values to fit the changing requirements of an evolving strategy E. can be done quickly only if managers tie incentive compensation to exhibiting the desired new cultural behaviors and if managers visibly praise people who exhibit the desired new cultural traits. B. monitoring progress closely. D. a deep commitment to pioneering new best practices, a preference for being a fast-follower as opposed to a first-mover or late-mover, and across-the-board bonuses for all personnel when the company meets or beats stretch objectives. Direct link to Grant Parker's post can you make the pictures, Posted a year ago. Typically, key elements of corporate culture: originate with a founder or certain strong leader who articulated them as a set of business principles, company policies, operating approaches, and ways of dealing with employees, customers, vendors, shareholders, and local communities. In a strong-culture company, culturally approved behaviors and ways of doing things are nurtured while culturally disapproved behaviors and work practices get squashed. d) Change-resistant cultures, high performance culture, and politicized cultures B. E. A tight strategy-culture alignment makes it easier to change a company's culture over timeas a company's strategy evolves, the culture automatically evolves too. C. does more to detract from a company's chances for strategic success and market leadership than to help it. 23. Sure, you can find studies indicating the opposite and copy and paste those to fulfill a self-confirming bias, but understanding how language creates our thoughts is very important in cultural relativism so that languages are appreciated for their beauty and diversity. Which of the following does NOT describe the deaf culture? imports. B. spending heavily on programs to train employees in the ways and beliefs of the new culture to be implanted. Two different cultures may have very different answers, as we saw in the above example. B. strong managerial commitment to display company values and principles in their own actions and behavior. Are there cultural practices that should not be considered to fall under cultural relativism?