In this case, trade could, A professor spends 10 hours a day giving lectures and writing papers. Statements that are not historical facts, including statements about anticipated financial outcomes, including any earnings guidance or projections, projected revenue or expense synergies or dis-synergies, business and market conditions, outlook, accruals and estimates, foreign currency exchange rates, deleveraging plans, expected dividends and share repurchases of the Company and, following the proposed spin-off of the Merchant Solutions business, the Companys and the Merchant Solutions business sales pipelines and anticipated profitability and growth, assumptions and strategies of the Company and the Merchant Solutions business following the proposed spin-off, the anticipated benefits of the spin-off, the expected timing of completion of the spin-off, as well as other statements about our expectations, beliefs, intentions, or strategies regarding the future, or other characterizations of future events or circumstances, are forward-looking statements. If Korea is capable of producing either shoes or soccer balls or some combination of the two, then. Our employees are dedicated to advancing the way the world pays, banks and invests through our trusted innovation, system performance and flexible architecture. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. Technically speaking, so long as lending is equal to borrowing (i.e., leakages are equal to injections), the circular flow will continue indefinitely. a"$;:RD.b&#Bvgz`/p Injections can take the forms of investment, government spending and. Richard Cantillon, Chantal Saucier (translation) & Mark Thornton (editor) (2010) [1755]. Direct link to Liam Mullany's post Can someone explain to me, Posted 5 years ago. When households and firms borrow savings, they constitute injections. d. the quantities of the factors of production that are available are increasing over the relevant time period. Direct link to Allison Harvison's post I just don't understand t, Posted 3 years ago. a. an increase in demand and an increase in quantity supplied. These statements relate to future events and our future results and involve a number of risks and uncertainties. The government sector consists of the economic activities of local, state and federal governments. CEO Dave Huml attributed the strong results to Tennant's efforts to address supply chain shortages and offset rising inflation (i.e., by raising prices -- which, as you'll recall, created half the quarter's sales growth). Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. They contribute very little to economists' understanding of the real world. This item represents purchase price amortization expense on all intangible assets acquired through various Company acquisitions, including customer relationships, contract value, technology assets, trademarks and trade names. [7] Cantillon described the concept in his 1730 Essay on the Nature of Trade in General, in chapter 11, entitled "The Par or Relation between the Value of Land and Labor" to chapter 13, entitled "The Circulation and Exchange of Goods and Merchandise, as well as their Production, are Carried On in Europe by Entrepreneurs, and at a Risk." Friday of that week, she receives her first paycheck. Free cash flow does not represent our residual cash flows available for discretionary expenditures, since we have mandatory debt service requirements and other non-discretionary expenditures that are not deducted from the measure.