Its run by a great superintendent, its test scores are wonderful, so it presents a really good opportunity., On Monday, Gov. [90] Two days later, the Kentucky Supreme Court ruled against Beshear's challenge of several newly enacted Kentucky laws that, among other things, limit the governor's authority to issue executive orders in times of emergency to 30 days, unless extended by state legislators. First Lady Britainy Beshear is a long-time community volunteer and advocate for some of Kentucky's most vulnerable children. I can say they will provide the same level of security that has been provided by the Kentucky State Police for all previous governors to Gov. [68] One month after he took office as governor, his administration gave Planned Parenthood permission to provide abortions at its Louisville clinic, making it the second facility in Kentucky to offer abortions. The couple met each other at the international law firm in Washington. Andy Beshear, also known as Andrew Graham Beshear, is Steve Beshears son. ", "Governor Promises To Provide Free Health Care For All Black Kentuckians Who Need It", "Kentucky governor vows universal coverage for black residents", "Kentucky governor outlines plan to provide health coverage for '100 percent' of black communities", "Gov. She has also a nick name and it is Britainy. Andy Beshears spouse belongs to the White Caucasian race. ", "And the Beat Goes On: A resilient Vanderbilt community finds innovative ways to thrive amid the challenges of COVID-19", "Andy Beshear '03 Leads as Governor of Kentucky", "Former Gov. From 2013 to 2019, according to her first lady bio, Britainy Beshear served on the board of directors for Maryhurst, an organization that works with victims of abuse through counseling, foster and adoption services, among others. Britainy and her sister, Tyson, were raised in Rancho Palos Verdes in L.A. County. [34][35][36], Beshear faced incumbent Governor Matt Bevin, the nation's least popular governor, in the November 5 general election. [122] He hoped to fund the bridge by conventional means, not tolling, but was unsure whether the state in fact had the funds to do that. [77], In August 2020, Beshear signed an executive order releasing inmates from prisons and jails in an effort to slow the virus's spread. Susan Breathitt, daughter of Gov. Chance of rain 40%. Beshear emphasizes Kentucky civility in inauguration speech Happy birthday, Dad!, When I look across my kitchen table, I see the people who I love most in this world , , Lila, and Will. [17][18] The margin was approximately 2,000 votes. Andy Beshear: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Julian Carroll said that his three oldest children were enrolled in FIS. Her parents' identities have been withheld. The Kentucky Supreme Court found that the challenged laws were valid exercises of the General Assembly's legislative powers, although two justices wrote in a concurring opinion that the 30-day "kill switch" enacted by the legislature should be scrutinized on remand to the lower courts. [106][46], After the Kentucky legislature voted to allow Kentucky distilleries and breweries to qualify for a sales tax break on new equipment, Beshear vetoed the provision. Beshear is running for reelection to a second term as governor this year. She served on the Maryhurst Board of Directors from 2013 to 2019. As of 2023, she is around 44 years old. He also supports nondiscrimination laws that include gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people. Britainy has completed her education in a reputed school, high school, and college to attend her education. [117], Beshear said he would not support an assault weapons ban. Andy Beshear rescinds school mask mandate", "Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear Restores Voting Rights To Felons", "Kentucky governor confirms more than 175K nonviolent offenders have voting rights restored", "Violent crimes increase in Kentucky during pandemic to highest level since 2008", "Beshear Signs More Bills, Including Juvenile Justice Measure", "Bill Tracker; KFTC's legislative issues during the 2021 Kentucky General Assembly", "Gov. Till now, she has posted over 311 posts on her timeline. Beshear over new COVID-19 decisions", "COVID contact tracing has not tracked business-specific spread in Kentucky", "Gov. In addition to this, she assisted in the counseling program and protected the children and families. Beshear's mask mandate, emergency restrictions", "Beshear closes bars, restaurants to indoor service starting Nov. 20", "Lawmakers criticize Gov. We all know that A persons salary and assets change from time to time. Who is Kentucky's new first lady? What to know about Britainy Beshear On October 1, 2021, Beshear declared his candidacy for reelection as governor in the 2023 election. [64] In July 2022, torrential rain caused severe flooding across Kentucky's Appalachia region and led to the deaths of over 25 people; Beshear worked with the federal government to coordinate search and rescue missions as President Biden declared a federal disaster to direct relief money to the state. Brittany also assists people in breaking free from the cycle of poverty and establishing themselves as self-sufficient persons. And shes just as socially active as her husband, if not more so. "[67], Beshear supports access to abortion and Roe v. [73], On March 25, 2020, Beshear declared a state of emergency over the COVID-19 pandemic. [114] As of June 30, 2020, the Kentucky State Pension Fund was at 58.8% of its obligations for the coming decades. Let check the below section to get more information. Gov. [113], Beshear accepts the scientific consensus on climate change. She collaborates closely with the houses staff and clients to assist parents who have lost their possessions due to unknown or deprived reasons or stories. FIS is one of our better public school systems, Carroll said, noting tremendous leadership throughout the years.