Additionally, the Secretary of State acts as a notary public where official legal documents can be notarized. XVII. Phase 2 of Connecticut's reopening efforts takes effect June 17. How do I register and cancel a license plate in CT? Simply enter your type of business in the Industry Finder search bar to see your NAICS code. If for any reason, you do not have a return envelope, you can mail your payment to: Hartford. Thing is a Foreign Entity? or are restoring it) choose Customer Held as the option for your plates. 2016 | Connecticut's Official State Website, regular Connecticut Real Estate Commission, {"@context":"","@type":"FAQPage","mainEntity":[{"@type":"Question","name":"What is Connecticut Secretary of State phone number? In addition, the office is responsible for maintaining records of business actions and movements as well as keeping certain specific business information on the official Secretary of State website. Connecticut Annual Report Filing Instructions | DoMyLLC LLC's, both foreign and domestic, must pay $20 to submit an annual report to the Secretary of State's . As authorized client agent, you get access that you can specify The templates are pre-filled with our companys personal information to help you save time searching for it. font size. We appreciate there are many important steps youll take as you form your business. CT board mulls stricter oversight of West Haven finances in wake of Connecticut Insurance Department The Secretary of the State, Business Services Division is proud to join, your one stop for doing business in Connecticut. in which such business is or will be conducted. Your email address will not be published. This means that no other business in CT can already be using it. Connecticut Secretary of State mailing address where you can send official mail, documents and application forms to Connecticut SOS is: Connecticut Secretary of State Business Services (Connecticut SOS) Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Are you sure you want to log out of your account. The quick answer - a 6-digit number associated with your business category so you know which permits and licenses you may need. Connecticut Secretary of State email address where you can send electronic messages, documents and application forms to Connecticut SOS is [emailprotected]. II. All rights reserved - Connecticut State Agencies. How many digits is a CT Tax Registration Number? Number Listed as Not Voting. Is CT Tax Registration Number same as EIN? Information. you can use this handy NAICS code lookuptool. If the Secretary of States number is not registered with the above DMV, you cannot use it for service. Skip to main content Skip to footer links Skip to footer links An organization certificate is a legal document that formally establishes your liability as a Connecticut LLC. Your business street address 30 Trinity Street All commonly-filed transactions are now available to file 24/7 through this site. XI. SOTS Business Data Redirect CTData Thu 9am - 5pm. Resource Center - ct Hours. It seems that JavaScript is not working in your browser. a vehicle you own but are not currently operating (i.e. Have you successfully passed required emissions testing for your vehicle? Connecticut Department of Revenue Services, Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, Connecticut Secretary of State Business Search. Along with business formation services, other actions such as dissolving a company, adding/removing officers (for a corporation) or members (for an LLC), obtaining a certificate of good standing and annual report filings can be performed. 2016 | Connecticut's Official State Website, regular VIII. Connecticut Secretary of State If you have any questions about your LLC's Annual Report, you can contact the Connecticut Secretary of State . What's a NAICS code? It seems that JavaScript is not working in your browser. A compliance check determines if your organization has any outstanding issues with