Carolyn Augustine (author) from Tractor Town, Iowa on December 17, 2010: Thank you! Partnerships receive 1,000 for five red threes and 1,200 for all six. If they collected all four red threes, 800 points are deducted from their score. if you have melded out your hand at one time this is called a concealed hand and it is now up to your partner to completed the needed requirements to Go out. It is not required to ask partner's permission, but if done the player must abide by the partner's answer. Hi Teri, So to pick up cards from the discard pile all the following must be met: you or your partner must have started at least one meld, the discard pile must not be frozen, and one of the following must be true about your hand. Hope this clears things up for you! 2.) Two wild cards is the maximum allowed for a meld. Then she will be ready to pick up her back hand. Before having 7 cards its considered a meld and cannot be closed. In contrast a stop card is played the same direction as the other cards as the stop is only in affect when it is the top card of the pile. A canasta may be built up by an initial meld of three or more cards and addition of other cards later. Canastone - card game rules - When playing with partners, can one partner pick up their meld and give it to their partner to add to their meld? The following cards are not canasta suits: 3s, 2s, and jokers. I hope this helps. An entire game of canasta can be played in about 90 minutes. Once the initial meld is created, the discard pile is open to both partners. "How to Play Canasta" A natural canasta is one that comprises only cards of the same rank. At each turn, draw two cards and discard one. It would b nice if you could show what a meld looks like with real cards. Freezing the pack: This strategic move makes it difficult for opponents to take the cards from the discard pile, or pack, but it can be a risky choice. More detailed break-down and cheatsheet, including point system, here: The player who draws the second highest card sits right of the dealer. The game ends when one team ends a round with 10,000 points or a predetermined point value. Count up your canasta points. When you achieve a meld of seven or more cards, you've achieved canasta. Pennies from Heaven is a card game within the Canasta family in which 7s play a unique role and plenty of. A player can then take the remaining cards from the pile into his hand to form other melds and discards one card to end his turn. The face value of the cards in your beginning canastas must total 60 points or more to meld (see the melding guidelines). Canasta Game Rules - How to play Canasta the card game Hi Susan, because you cannot meld the top card of the discard you cannot draw the discard pile. I have a question. Third time is a charm. [citation needed]. In Canasta the value of cards is as follows: Cards values between 4 - 7 = 5 points Card values between 8 - K = 10 points Aces & Dueces = 20 points Jokers = 50pts Black 3 card = 5pts Red 3 cards = 100 or 200 points Picking Partners: Canasta has an interesting approach to forming partnerships.