Palm Island: Police terror follows death in custody | Green Left [34], In late September 2006, Clements found that Doomadgee was killed as a result of punches by Hurley. The judgement summary read officers broke into houses "with assault rifles raised, confronting unarmed men, women and children". [27], Four people were prosecuted for the riot and were acquitted. Palm Island is a picturesque haven of sweeping coastlines and vibrant rainforests. (By comparison, even in 2012 a journalist publicly maintained the view that the medical consensus regarding the possibility the injury could have been caused during the fall was incorrect. [42] This was the first time since the public prosecutor's office was established in Queensland that anyone other than the DPP made a decision concerning whether or not to indict an individual. No justice a decade on from horrific Palm Island death in custody Former NSW chief justice Sir Laurence Street starts review of DPP's decision. The Tall Man: Probing a prisoner's death on Australia's Palm Island Australia: Police Response to Aboriginal Death in Custody and Ensuing Riot Ruled Discriminatory. For guidance about compiling full citations consult Citing Primary Sources. The officer was later acquitted of manslaughter. We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Australians and Traditional Custodians of the lands where we live, learn, and work. [89], Even though the Minister had already personally paid the cost of the airfare the Queensland Government ministerial services still pursued Yanner and Foster for the money on behalf of Ms. Clark however they refused to pay. "The mischief lies in what was an abandonment of the truth to avoid the possibility of short-term political embarrassment. But Councillor Lacey said the islanders needed more time to deal with the past before that would be possible. The Attorney-General of Queensland, Kerry Shine, indicted an Australian police officer for a criminal trial for the first time since the public prosecutor 's office was established. [83] Police actions were later found to breach the Racial Discrimination Act, with the raids being "unnecessary, disproportionate" and police having "acted in these ways because they were dealing with an Aboriginal community. ), The president of the Queensland Police Union disagreed with the ruling, saying that the police response was appropriate in the circumstances and [p]olice who serve in Indigenous communities are not racist, and purely because of someones Aboriginality do not treat anyone differently . Palm Island | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples [43], In June 2007 the Townsville-based trial of Chris Hurley on charges of assault and manslaughter took place. (Id.) "Everyone in the end really wanted to know what really happened. It was decided by Coroner Michael Barnes that the inquiry would take place on the island so that the people of Palm Island would have the opportunity to observe the process; however medical evidence and evidence given by police officers was to be taken in open court in Townsville due to logistical issues and safety concerns of the police. During the directions hearing the Doomadgee family requested that the deceased be referred to by his tribal name "Mulrunji" in line with Aboriginal custom, which was not opposed. Police discriminated against Palm Island's Indigenous community Police Commissioner Ian Stewart admitted mistakes were made with the way the QPS handled the death in custody. (Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment (Foreign Fighters) Bill 2014, Parliament We observe International Women's Day by highlighting several Australian women who had key roles in bringing about a 1967 constitutional referendum related to indigenous people. [citation needed], They noted that the Coroner did not refer to that evidence in her report. [13] He had spent the morning investigating complaints by sisters Gladys, Andrea and Anna Nugent that Roy Bramwell had assaulted them. Forty-two minutes later a second police officer observed that Mulrunji was a strange colour and was cold to the touch. a convenience, and may not be complete or accurate. She said she never wanted it placed at the police station and requested it be moved because children were damaging it. 16 barristers and solicitors appeared representing the Queensland Government, the Doomadgee family, the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission and the Queensland Police Service. Instead they ordered that the Coronial Inquiry be reopened to re-examine the facts as the original Coronial Inquiry findings were set aside. What happened in the 45 minutes from Doomadgee's arrest till his death should weigh heavily on Australian audiences. A damning 2016 Federal Court ruling found the Queensland Police breached the Racial Discrimination Act with its investigation into his death and subsequent unrest on the island. And while the book is about Cameron Doomadgee's death in custody, it is also about some of the issues that permeate relationships between Indigenous and European Australians.