They talk about coming clean. (Lines 114-139) 6. What do they both decide? : The Taming of the Shrew - , , , , , . Petruchio tells her not to worry and takes her to the bedroom. Read the scene aloud. Petruchio explains that all his abusing is because he loves her and for her own good, when in fact he is trying to break her down. Petruchio and Katherina fight with words. Gremio appears with Lucentio, who is disguised as a teacher named Cambio. boy!' Baptista, Vincentio, Gremio, the merchant who had pretended to be Vincentio, Lucentio, Bianca, As the guests at the banquet trade jokes and jibes, the widow teases, The men are amazed at Katherine's obedience. I, with blowing the fire, shall warm myself; for, September 14, 2021. Through the character of Petruchio, Shakespeare unveils that cruelty is good for the victim. Katherine delivers a long speech in praise of womens submission to their husbands. "Where away?" He agrees also to present Hortensio, in disguise, to Baptista as a music teacher named Litio. Petruchio then serves Katherine himself, demanding her thanks. His friend Hortensio suggests that Petruchio woo Katherine. She is my goods, my chattels; she is my house, My household stuff, my field, my barn, My horse, my ox, my ass, my anything. The Taming of the Shrew shows how shrewd Kate changes - but she never morphs into the Elizabethan wife Petruchio, and all the other . Kate therefore fears to lose Petruchio. At their own wedding, Petruchio embarrasses Kate by arriving late, wearing a ridiculous outfit, and then forcing her to leave her own wedding when she does not want to. Note the use of language in this scene - it's intellectual, but there is a tone of innuendo. Am I but three inches? here, sir! More updated representations of romance can be found in modern romantic comedies, like 1989's When Harry Met Sally, which focuses on, yup, Harry and Sally. They encourage Petruchio, who has come to Padua to find a wealthy wife, to court Katherine and free Bianca to marry.Petruchio negotiates marriage terms with Baptista, then has a stormy meeting with Katherine, after which he assures Baptista that the two have agreed to marry. The way the content is organized, LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in. This shows how Kate is actually a foil of Petruchio. And serve it thus to me that love it not? There are examples of this phenomena in many works of literature, but one of the most notable works is William Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew. Write a journal entry as Petruchio, explaining your change in behavior: your horrible wedding outfit, your crude behavior during the ceremony, your refusal to stay for the wedding banquet, and your "rescue" of Katharina. In presenting the transformation on Kate, Shakespeare was not ironic either in the entire play but he instead brought a clear view of how simple Kate took live. And bring along these rascal knaves with thee? Tell thou the tale: but hadst thou not crossed me, thou shouldst have heard how her horse fell and she, under her horse; thou shouldst have heard in how, miry a place, how she was bemoiled, how he left her, with the horse upon her, how he beat me because, her horse stumbled, how she waded through the dirt. What dogs are these! The Taming of the Shrew - Act 3, scene 2 - The Folger SHAKESPEARE The Taming of the Shrew. My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class., Every teacher of literature should use these translations. 7. Elise is an extraordinary woman who deliberately crosses his path. The play we see, in which he tames the shrew, is actually a play within a play. Using the following steps, remember to look at it line by line and if youre looking at the scene for the first time dont worry if you dont understand everything at once.