Learn Spanish with free, communicative lessons. Describing other people's routine in Spanish. On Saturday, I went shopping with my sister. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. There was one of my uncles and few cousins live with her. I enjoy with all a lot. Estuve all hasta la una. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Write about what you did last weekend. Im an entrepreneur, so I dont really have any days off. Picturing a memory makes it easy to think of things to say. See if you made any mistakes. On Saturday and Sunday, we were mostly relaxing at home. What did you do last weekend? Write 4-5 sentences in Spanish using the So I didnt have any free time last weekend, only overtime for work. I unlocked the house and welcomed her in. Take notes of the activities they did each day and then use that information to solve the interactive quiz related to this listening activity. 1 minute, 2023, Berges Institute LLC, 260 Madison Avenue, 8th Fl. It will take one and a half hour from Jakarta. El sbado me levant tarde. I was surprised to see her. The red line shows what the wind turbines could have been producing if they were operating at their full potential, which they failed to do at any where did you go last week in spanish during this time period. Hola! (Qu estn haciendo?). We made sand castles and took pictures. The verbs you will see in the dialogue are: estar, tener, hacer, mirar, organizar, invitar, reventar, bailar, jugar, comer, salir, limpiar, poder and pasar. What did you do last weekend ? - Simple past tense - YouTube We hope you now have a better idea on how to talk about your weekend in Spanish. People of all ages enjoy weekend and makes plans in advance on how they are going to spend them in the best possible way. And in the evening, I cooked a meal of noodles and beef. The best way to answer is simply to say what you did last weekend. I have come there before and I love that place so much. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Cocin un bacalao ajoarriero espectacular. It was a lot of fun. I am one of those people who eagerly wait for the entire week & prepare a list of what I am going to do on weekend. Robert: What did you buy? Keep it simple, and describe what you did. Show translation: What I did last weekend in Spanish. What Did You Do? Last weekend = El fin de semana pasado. El sbado, me despert tarde, disfrut de un da de descanso, y encontr a mi amigo por la noche para ver una pelcula. TeacherVisionis part of the Sandbox Learning family of educational and reference sites for parents, teachers and students. Welcome to a new lesson. I always sleep a lot on a Friday night without any alarm. Keep your chin up, you're being an excellent step mama to your little girl and it speaks volumes that she asked you to come get her. I was totally screwed up & was fully prepared to spend a boring day ahead which I never wanted but unfortunately I didnt had any choice left with me. AV AL IA O. O. What did you do last weekend? - Fui a casa de Enrique y Val. Use at least four different verbs in the preterite. Prepar caf y desayun. You're so tan! The second example is a short dialogue about the things someone did last weekend in Spanish. People who live in Jakarta and Bandung usually spend their weekend in there. 8. during your last long weekend. Qu hicieron la semana pasada?, Qu hiciste la semana pasada?, Qu hizo usted la semana pasada? What did you do last weekend in Spanish? Spanish Grammar: Imperfect vs. Preterite for Events and Actions See answer Advertisement directautocarpowv91p Today, we asked Dan: Qu hiciste el fin de semana? The weekend is always something interesting to me. - I went out with Jennifer. What Did You Do On the Weekend? For someone else, or for yourself! AkrutiMarManoramaBold To type in Marathi in Bilingual fonts do the following :- a. Donec aliquet. Las actividades que hice el fin de semana pasado me ayudaron mucho a reducir el estrs. I hope she recovers quickly and that the courts take care of this situation for you. What did you do last weekend? Make sure your paragraph includes: URGENTComplete each sentence with the correct form of each verb in the present .