Information Governance Strategy 2015/16, CORPORATE POLICY & PROCEDURE NO. Information governance is to ensure that NHS West Lancashire CCG ensures that one of its most important assets, information, in both clinical and management terms is respected and held in secure and manageable conditions. There are a number of ways you can contact NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board. Training and communications In order for information governance policies and procedures to be effective, it is essential that all staff are aware of their obligations in this area. To provide a focal point for the resolution and/or discussion of information risk issues. The well-maintained course has been refined and altered in recent years and we are sure you will enjoy the experience of playing here. All CCG-employed staff. West Lancs Borough Council Health & Wellbeing Strategy launch: Kim Webber, Chief Executive, WLBC, Cllr Kevin Wright, Portfolio Holder for Health and Community Maintain and review incident reporting procedures and will monitor and investigate all reported instances of actual or potential breaches of confidentiality and security. How can we best deliver out of hospital care? Its interim lead, Sarah Price, will continue as interim chief officer until another attempt in the new year. The Team : West Lancashire Golf Club Please see list of our Partner Organisations below: Alder Hey Childrens NHS Foundation TrustBlackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustCheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation TrustCountess of Chester Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Lancashireand South Cumbria NHS Foundation TrustLancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustLiverpool Heart & Chest Hospital NHS Foundation TrustLiverpool Womens Hospital NHS Foundation TrustMid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustMersey Care NHS Foundation TrustLiverpool University Hospital Foundation TrustSouthport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS TrustSt Helens and KnowsleyTeaching Hospitals NHS TrustThe Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation TrustUniversity Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation TrustWalton Centre NHS Foundation TrustWarrington & Halton NHS Foundation TrustWirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Wirral Community NHS Foundation Trust, Lancashire and South Cumbria Health and Care PartnershipCheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership. It is the responsibility of all staff employed directly or indirectly by the CCG to make themselves aware of the policies and procedures of that CCG. Forum The Policy, Putting Barnsley People First Barnsley Clinical Commissioning Group Information Governance Policy and Management Framework Version: 1.1 Approved By: Governing Body Date Approved: 16 January 2014 Name of, INFORMATION GOVERNANCE POLICY Version Version 1 Ratified By Date Ratified PROPOSED FOR APPROVAL 15/11/12 Author(s) Responsible Committee / Officers Date Issue November 2012 Review Date November 2013 Intended, NHS Newcastle Gateshead Clinical Commissioning Group Information Governance Strategy 2015/16 Document Status Equality Impact Assessment Document Ratified/Approved By Approved No impact NHS Quality, Safety, INFORMATION GOVERNANCE STRATEGIC VISION, POLICY AND FRAMEWORK Policy approved by: Assurance Committee Date: 3 December 2014 Next Review Date: December 2016 Version: 1.0 Information Governance Strategic, INFORMATION GOVERNANCE STRATEGY Page 1 of 10 Strategy Owner Valerie Penn, Head of Governance Strategy Author Caroline Law, Information Governance Project Manager Directorate Corporate Governance Ratifying, Information Governance Policy Church Road Medical Practice Version No: 1.0 Issue Date: March 2015 INFORMATION GOVERNANCE POLICY 1. There is a collective ambition to do this by working with residents and communities and our partners to co-produce and improve health and wellbeing services. NHS West Lancashire CCG believes that accurate, timely and relevant information is essential to deliver the highest quality health care. The organisation will providing annual mandatory training for all staff in Information Governance issues via the Connecting for Health IG Training Tool and dedicated training events. INFORMATION GOVERNANCE POLICY Name of Policy Author: Name of Review/Development Body: Ratification Body: Ruth Drewett Information Governance Steering Group Committee Trust Board : April 2015 Review date: Information Governance Policy Version - Final Date for Review: 1 October 2017 Lead Director: Performance, Quality and Cooperate Affairs NOTE: This is a CONTROLLED Document. Specific Decision Required by Committee. Information Governance. CRIS Security Model 3 3. Ensure that the role and responsibilities of the SIRO and the infrastructure to support the SIRO is kept under review. Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS FT. Nicki Latham. The Caldicott Guardian is responsible for ensuring that NHS West Lancashire Clinical Commissioning Group processes satisfy the highest practical standards for handling patient information. Meanwhile Jonathan Higman, current CEO of Yeovil Trust which is merging with Somerset FT, will take the helm at Somerset ICS. Five systems in the Midlands have failed to appoint a chief executive - Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent,Black Country and West Birmingham, Coventry and Warwickshire, Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin, and Birmingham and Solihull. The Information Governance team within the commissioning support unit will take responsibility to fulfil these annual obligations on behalf of the CCG. Although we are a new organisation, we will build on the successful work by all our health and care organisations, including CCGs, over the last few years. OFFICIAL Ownership: Information Governance Group Date Issued: 15/01/2015 Version: 2. Wherever possible, information quality will be assured at the point of collection. Contact the Board Contact: Company Secretary company.secretary If you have a concern or a complaint please contact PALS Non-Executive Directors Executive Directors Non-Voting Members Corporate Directors 0151 924 1076, Email: West Lancashire CCG. 3.5 Governance Arrangements Arrangements will be in place for NHS West Lancashire CCG as part of the governance arrangements to review and improve compliance with the Information Governance Standards.