Road-tripping with your friends? The student was also rumored to have repeatedly attempted to contact the dead and that she often dabbled in sorcery practices. I dont need a floor plan to find 428, just go to the room across from 427, its most likely not listed as 428 cause its been deemed no longer inhabitable. Also, four new dorms are opening up this fall, which means a better chance at having AC as a freshman! I'm looking to major in mechanical engineering and english-pre-law and west green's location seems ideal (and it looks cute on the outside) but I don't know much about it. I lived on the 2nd floor of Sargent Hall on the West Green, right near Wilson Hall. However, they are awesome! Since these occurences the room has been closed off and was not given to any new students again. The campus is safe, clean, and beautiful. Were excited to hear from you! Members. Best dorms on campus? : ohiouniversity - Reddit This allows you to have more one-on-one time with a professor if you absolutely need it. 3797 Niche users give it an average review of 3.8 stars. I also heard that the story about the woman who escaped the insane asylum was also false. You'll want the extra sleep time for those early mornings. Boyd also survives on West green's soil and is known for its chicken fingers, said to be the best on campus. please some give us more information about this girl and her bizarre incident!! My classes are challenging but in a preparatory way. In Wilson Hall, the room directly beneath the room with the demon door has a handle, but right where you grip it, it is sawed off on both ends to where it pretty much makes it impossible to open the door. There is a lot of green space on campus and everything is within a 15 minute walk. Cant find a picture anywhere to save my life. Hi I am a freshman at OU. I have never attended a school where the professors truly loved and cared for both their students and their jobs. Read 485 reviews. The dorms are close to the campus, and for people with cars, there is parking available. MU Plus+ Podcasts. Gladys W. and David H. Patton Hall (Patton Hall), Multi-Phase Technology and Corrosion Center, Templeton-Blackburn Alumni Memorial Auditorium, Transportation & Parking Services, University Garage. Ohio University Observatory 246. Jacksonville emerges as new UF satellite campus with health and artificial intelligence programs. i have almost absolutely no idea what i am doing and because of covid, i have only been to campus to see dorms and shit once and the stuff i have found online is not amazing, so any help would be greatly appreciated!! They have such a strong science department with majors in Biopsychology, exercise science, etc. Being that it was an all girls dorm u would think it would have smelled half decent, but to this day I have chills over this and wonder if anyone else had ever witnessed that room???? But once you have that information, and your own room assignment, how do you know what the best green is? The Oxford atmosphere cannot be beaten, and my family loves coming to visit me and going out to bars & restaurants. East Green also gives a home to some of the ghost stories that make Ohio University one of the most haunted campus in the nation. Many students play sports on campus, the team environment and coaching staff is wonderful. For information on hours of operations, menus and service please visit The small class sizes and teacher to student ratio was very beneficial to me. Please respond ASAP to I know someone who lives in wilsonYAY! Don't worry though, the calf muscles are worth it. there was even a art supply store on campus if you needed something without leaving. Read 406 reviews. I believe that open communication will allow students to see the reasons behind the decisions being made and those decision-makers would be able to see how those decisions affect the students. Freshman: I am currently a freshman at Ohio Northern University majoring in exercise physiology. Walsh was really my top 3 colleges to pick from.