Do I need a permit to construct a storage shed? Free viewers are required for some of the attached documents.They can be downloaded by clicking on the icons below. Free viewers are required for some of the attached documents.They can be downloaded by clicking on the icons below. All plans must be drawn to a scale not less than inch per foot and all dimensions must be accurately figured. Start by clicking here and reviewing "A Brief Guide for Permits in Whitefish Bay.". 5.0 . Do I need an electrical permit? NSFD inspection required. 1-800-493-9368 Home; Uncategorized; wauwatosa fence permit; wauwatosa fence permit Contact Staff Engineer 414-755-6523, Building Demolition/Raze permit required. Building permit records show that Timberland Fence has worked on 15 permitted projects. O-00-19 (part), 2000) 15.28.020 - Work exempt from permit. For job locations east of 92nd Street, e-mail Inspector Paul Wolfgramm or by phone (414-479-8908). Fax: (414) 479-8986, 7725 W. North Avenue Other permits may be required. The front yard has a maximum height restriction of 3 feet while the rear and side lots, 6 feet. HVAC permit required. How tall can a privacy fence be in Wisconsin? The typical size of their permits is approximately $3,900. Do I need an electrical permit? For residential districts, a pool can be in the front, side, or back yard. Being proficient in the construction trades generally requires several years of learning the skills and code requirements related to all aspects of the trade. To determine what may be in violation, review the property maintenance code on-line at Plumbing permit required. For nonresidential districts, pools must be a minimum of 10 feet from the lot lines. 111. We encourage urged to make an appointment with your district inspector(s). During the application process, you will be required to submit: A minimum set of plans will consist of elevations and cross section details (see sample deck plan on reverse). For nonresidential districts, pools must be a minimum of 10 feet from the lot lines. However, if neither property owner uses their land for grazing or agriculture, you wont be obligated to erect or contribute towards this fence. Associated services are: We are also responsible for coordinating damage assessment and recovery after a disaster with county and state emergency management and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). . Can the City force them to clean it up? The main purpose of the Design Review Board is to promote good design and continuity, which often impacts the overall appearance and property value of a neighborhood. The property owner is wholly responsible for any actions taken on their property. The Wauwatosa police or fire departments may prescribe additional regulations or restrictions on an individual fence within the city of Wauwatosa whenever such regulation or restriction is necessary for purposes of public safety. Our customers (residents, contractors, and others) can: submit a license or permit request online at anytime make an online payment collaborate with city staff on plan reviews or see comments and markups of documents see status updates of your license or permit request