And for all the Virgos out there: Have patience with your Cancer besties. Meanwhile, Virgo is a scientist, a poet, and an eternal student. There can be ups and downs due to different personalities but it is important to accept and adjust to each other with a generous heart. Yet, relationships can be tricky for Virgo. You never know it might just become one of the most special relationships youve ever had. 80%Overall You both are true to your promises. 60%Values Both Virgo and Cancer love to seek security and trust in their closest loved ones, and sharing this important value helps create a solid foundation to build on. They are great advisers and would give emotional support in times of need. 80%Intellect The balance they provide each other will make them excellent parents together if they have children. Your bond with the individuals of this Zodiac Sign will be very strong. Together, they make a wonderful pair for pleasing one another and working on the perfect relationship. I mean, this is a relationship, after all. Virgo Friendship Compatibility. You like working with concrete concepts, while the Twins prefer dealing with more ambiguous ideas. Because of this, they will be tolerant of each other, and they will instinctively know how to soothe each other. Just two signs apart on the astrological wheel, they sit comfortably in the vicinity of one another as friends. There's no way Leo's a worse matchup for Virgo than Sagittarius. Emotionally connecting and building trust will be difficult for these two. However, however, you are all ready to support them during such periods. How did you and Aries ever form a friendship? By clicking Sign Up, you agree to our Terms and Conditions and that you have read our Privacy Policy. Virgo and Cancer have the potential to be a good match overall. Virgo's love, sex, and friendship compatibility changes based on whether they're with a fire, earth, or water sign. Theyre incredibly compatible, and this obvious to them and to their friends. In terms of Virgo compatibility and the best Virgo matches, they work well with someone who will appreciate constructive criticism without getting annoyed. There are some things about your friend that you simply cant understand, however. Virgo is the kind of best friend that you can count on being your best friend forever. By winning your approval, Aries could put yet another feather in their cap. 25%Overall Read Virgo Compatibility with other Signs Virgo & Aries Virgo & Taurus Virgo & Gemini Virgo & Cancer Virgo & Leo They will keep you updated with all the current affairs and you would not have to turn a page of the newspaper! Few people can understand complicated Virgo better than another Virgo. . Well, people will see this love match on a surface level and wonder how or if it works. They need to be willing to come to compromises when they want completely different things. While you share this signs love of learning, you cant understand their refusal to settle down. Virgos believe in paying attention to the small stuff. Virgo as a friend would expect complete loyalty from you. 1/min. However, you both will make good friends. They totally get that. 95%Intellect Though their shared perfectionism and skepticism could lead to conflict, the level-headed Virgo duo will quickly resolve any disputes and move on to more pleasant times.