Opens a new window. To continue this discussion, please ask a new question. For the restore of groups and OU's, you can always enable the AD recycle bin which allows for this but does need a schema change ( Opens a new window), you can also put a DC in AD services restore mode and restore the object(s) but it's a little fiddly. Alternatively, you can click on NAS, select Volumes from the list, then click Summary, and then click Create New Volume tab next to Summary in the table. This option is preferable if you want to leverage the backup from storage snapshots technology. Or should I just go ahead and add the Synology NAS to the domain? It is not meant as a full documentation or detailed explanation of the features. Here, you will see useful information and tricks like configuration options, registry keys, hints and so on; 4-Operate: when the environment is ready, its time to use it! I usually use Rsync sync between my synologys through different locations. During the restore process, Veeam backup & replication will mount the VM disks using the backup file stored on the backup repository to the mount server. With Veeam Availability Suite v10 release, Veeam added support for NAS backup repositories. Would I still have an issue restoring a DC VM? Prior to v10, users had to configure Linux machines that acted as middlemen. - Somehow can i run Veeam on the Synology? Synology is not a member of the domain, andit isusing simple shares. The Veeam Servers and the SMB share location must be deployed within the same or a trusted domain. Providing data resiliency through secure backup and fast, reliable recovery solutions for hybrid and multi-cloud environments.. To purchase StoneFly SCVM, go to Click "Done". thumb_up thumb_down OP Martin1718 tabasco It will fit in the majority of cases, but can also be totally wrong under different circumstances. | Synology as Veeam Server? : r/Veeam - Reddit iSCSI is the fastest for this use case but it is extra complicated and it is extremely rare that any SMB cares about that little bit of performance. Add Machines to Application Group, Step 4. Click "Quick Connect". Your daily dose of tech news, in brief. Choose Files and Folders to Archive, Step 4. Verify Instant VM Recovery Settings, Finalizing Instant Recovery to Microsoft Hyper-V, Step 7. Select ESXi Host for Snapshot Mounting, Step 6. and that is it. this post, Post They're buying a single VMWare host (maybe 8-9 VMs running on it), a Veeam license pak for 10 VMs and a new Synology with about 60TB. I want tolet theVeeam Documentation Team know about that. by nwbc Sep 13, 2018 9:23 am This may keep you from having to have more licenses than necessary. Name the repository. Specify Target Repository and Retention Settings, Creating Backup Copy Jobs for HPE StoreOnce Repositories, Step 3. That's an interesting thought. Launch New File to Tape Job Wizard, Step 3. Group to discuss and get technical support for backing up your virtual, physical, and cloud estate. This is quite different from Veeam and works at a file level. You could use smb, nfs will give you a slightly faster backup but not much. Your feedback has been received and will be reviewed. Limiting the number of volumes reduces the storage load. To continue this discussion, please ask a new question. It works nicely. By selecting a machine close by, the VM data will not have to travel over slow networks such as WAN links; and the restore process will be fairly quicker. There are many different workloads for unstructured data, or the data that users create every day including documents, presentations, graphics, etc., as well as the massive amount of data that devices are creating every second in the Internet of Things. Specify Veeam Agent Access Options, Adding HPE 3PAR StoreServ, HPE Primera and Alletra 9000, Step 1. Basically Veeam is running a Linux agent on the Synology as the data mover. Launch I/O Filter Management Wizard, Step 2. In other words, while NAS devices are ideal for storing data in external/physical drives, such drives may not have built-in backup and recovery capabilities. You can enable their processing with a registry key. Opens a new window. Getting that initial BCJ copied over in the time window was a struggle for us, I ended up driving a USB copy over and copying that, support has instructions for what to do. Launch New Object Repository Wizard, Adding Amazon S3 Object Storage, Amazon S3 Glacier Storage and AWS Snowball Edge, Step 4. I tripped over this one during a restore of a VM from veeam that was all held on NFS. Synology is nothing but a Linux underneath. Yours works but it's not within parameters and the poor performance is a combination between CPU and swapping like crazy. For more information, see NAS File Share Backup from Storage Snapshots. As exponential growth of NAS continues, so does the need to protect unstructured data from malicious attacks which exploit vulnerabilities in your NAS devices. This way, when a new VM is spun up it gets included in the next backup job. Select storage volumes to analyze for the presence of newly added file shares. They were via IP address. Specify Credentials and Transport Port, Step 2. You could mount that NAS box on a local supported OS Windows / Linux Server and have configured the NAS box as storage repository. CIFS/SMB is more "versatile" but slightly lower performing. They don't have to be completed on a certain holiday.) Veeam support came to the conclusion that it's just a limitation of the Synology NAS CPU not being able to process the backup job merges fast due to the 1 4 core CPU. Recently, Veeam Software, the leading developer of backup and data protection tools for virtual infrastructure, announced a major update of its flagship product - Veeam Backup & Replication v12. Ensure the repository is using any authentication in the configuration of the repository in Veeam. Doesn't have the AD issues and is very portabl. Choose Media Pool for Full Backup, Step 5. Best practices for using Synology NAS as repository? Specify Advanced Replica Settings, Step 13. by m.humphreys Nov 21, 2019 3:25 pm I would never restore a DC, I'd do a metadata cleanup and spin up a new one. You then point Veeam to VCenter and say "backup all VM's you see".