Now that you have added and selected the Avalanche network as the default network on your Metamask wallet, go back to the Metamask main window and scroll down to the bottom. Lim How Wei is the founder of, with 8+ years of experience in Social Media Marketing and 4+ years of experience as an active investor in stocks and cryptocurrencies. 1. }, { start using our multi-chain payment service. Now, youll see 3 fields including Token Contract Address, Token Symbol, and Token Decimal. Click the MetaMask icon and USDC will be automatically added and visible on your MetaMask account. timestamp: 16807874515275 Token USD Coin Stablecoin Bridged Token This token is bridged over from its native chain using the Multichain bridge. Software; available as a mobile app for Android and iOS and a web browser extension. Open MetaMask by clicking on the extension. Here is a simple 4 step guide to get started: USDCis the most widely available and safest stablecoin on all major Layer 1 and Layer 2 protocols. timestamp: 16807875416613 The process of balancing a portfolio of digital assets is similar to that of maintaining a traditional portfolio. Step 2: Ensure Ethereum is the selected network. However, you arent able to add USDC to your Metamask wallet using networks that are not compatible with the Ethereum network (e.g. In this guide, we outline the safest way to buy Bitcoin and crypto assets with a Merrick Bank account. Tether is a stablecoin, which means that its always worth $1.00 (1-to-1 matching fiat currency). Click on [Import tokens] to add USDT to Metamask on Polygon. On the page, click on [More], then scroll down on the dialog box until you find the contract address for USDT on the Fantom network. To receive USDT, copy your wallet address by clicking on the duplicate icon under Account 1 and share it with the sender. Lastly, scroll down and click on import tokens to start importing a custom token. timestamp: 168037874511261 I was sending some usdc from MetaMask wallet which ledger is connected on. How To Add USDT To Metamask On Other Networks. The address itself is the location of a smart contract which manages the balances of all token holders, amongst other things, such as the total supply and its basic features (name, decimals, etc. To add USDT to your Metamask wallet on the Ethereum network, you first need to ensure that the Ethereum Mainnet is selected as the default network on your wallet. It says that metmask cannot create new address. Jay is a former freelance crypto writer who now heads up guides for Solana, Terra or Algorand). After selecting Add Custom Token, you will need to confirm importing USDC one more time. USD Coin (USDC) ERC20 Token in Binance Smart Chain Mainnet. This page will show you how to obtain and add testnet USDC to MetaMask. Did the drapes in old theatres actually say "ASBESTOS" on them? entry: sendFlow - user set asset to ERC20 token with symbol USDC and address 0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48, USD Coin (USDC.e) Token Tracker on SnowTrace shows the price of the Token $1.00, total supply 136,176,594.829115, number of holders 97,497 and updated information of the token. entry: Begin validating send state, timestamp: 16807857415618 MetaMask will display USDC as a token symbol field and number 6 in Decimals of Precision field. Click on [Import tokens] to add USDT to Metamask on the Fantom Network. entry: Form is invalid because stage is ADD_RECIPIENT, MetaMask will automatically fill it. Once the token has been added, you can go back to the Metamask home window to view your USDT balance. timestamp: 16807873403972 . { You may also go to CoinMarketCap and search for USDC then copy its contract address or just follow this link: So what is USDC token contract address and how to add USDC token to MetaMask. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. How To Add USDT To Metamask On The Binance Smart Chain (BSC). The safest and easiest way to add the USDC contract address on Polygon to your MetaMask Wallet is through Coingecko. You should always be careful of fake contracts created by scammers. With this, you have successfully added USDT to Metamask on Polygon. After youve clicked on import tokens, youll land on the Search tab. To send USDC, click on the USDC token, click on Send, and paste the receivers address. How to Add Arbitrum to Metamask? | Binance Academy After youve imported it as a custom token, youll be able to send and receive USDT. Embedded hyperlinks in a thesis or research paper. Once youre on the Avalanche Network, the next step will be to select Import Tokens. entry: sendFlow - user set amount to USDC, Once youve successfully imported USDC to your Metamask wallet, you should see it as one of your assets under the Polygon Mainnet. Alternatively, you can view this video on how toadd any new networks automaticallywith just one click: Once youre on the Polygon Mainnet, the next step will be to select Import Tokens. Lastly, click on Add Custom Token to add USDT to your MetaMask wallet. Launch the Metamask extension or mobile app and unlock your account. entry: Begin validating send state, entry: sendFlow - user set amount to 10 USDC, Send DAI / USDC (or any ERC20 token) to a smart contract entry: Begin validating send state, After that, click on [import tokens] at the bottom of the page then search for USDT and add the token to your wallet.