Univision Chicago's Alex Hernndez and Diana - TelevisaUnivision Por qu los conductores de Uber y Lyft protestan en los aeropuertos de Florida? 312 494 6483 www.univisionchicago.com y sguenos en. Adicionalmente la ciudad brindar ms apoyo policial a los locales nocturnos. From ideation to talent acquisition, we produce top quality spots and activations. Noticias Telemundo Se espera que el gobernador de Florida establezca un comit exploratorio el prximo mes, pese a que se ha ido quedando atrs en los sondeos: una reciente encuesta lo ubica 37 pun Through a deep-rooted understanding of our markets, we help our clients effectively connect to our consumers. In addition, the parent Noticias Univision division airs co-branded hourly, one-minute news capsules under the title Breve Informativo de Noticiero Univision (Spanish for 'Univision News Brief') that air during commercial breaks except those featured during the early- and late-evening newscasts throughout the broadcast day on the network. Tambin agradecemos a Entravision por su asociacin de larga data y esperamos continuar trabajando con ellos para llevar el contenido de Univision a otras ciudades del pas . ContactJose Figueroa, Vice President, Director of Sales, atjvfigueroa@univision.net. Estas son las instrucciones que tres compaas de luz otorgan para reportarlos. La noticia sobre los cambios pareci sorprender al exdirector de noticias, quien llev a las redes sociales su descontento al decir que le prometieron que no habra ningn despido y el primero fui yo. Noticias, El Tiempo y Entretenimiento de Orlando, FL - Telemundo 31. Algo parecido a lo que en el pasado vivieron colegas como Felicidad Aveleyra que se fue de Univision local a Telemundo Nacional, Aureo Vaqueiro que pas del noticiero local de Telemundo Los . 39K Followers, 415 Following, 4,248 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Telemundo 31 (@telemundo31) We activate your brand by integrating your message on Newscasts, Entertainment and Sports shows across TV and Radio platforms. Iris Delgado headed to Telemundo Orlando for new anchor job Orlando FL, Noticias, Tiempo, Trfico - Estacin WVEN | Univision On December 8, 2017, Maria Elena Salinas stepped down as weekday anchor and departed Univision after 36 years with the network to focus on being an independent news producer with Ilia Caldern being named as co-anchor to the weekday newscasts with Jorge Ramos. [7], On February 28, 2009, Univision terminated the contracts of Enrique Gratas and Sergio Urquidi as part of corporate cutbacks enacted by parent company Univision Communications spurred by the Great Recession and a sharp downturn in advertising spending, which resulted in the layoffs of 300 employees (or 6% of its workforce), as well as the cancellation of the weekend editions of the newsmagazine Primer Impacto and its companion program Primer Impacto Extra.