The joint unions will be looking at the implications of the offer in relation to both the claim and the structure of the pay uplift. The gender gap in pay has remained relatively stable in the United States over the past 20 years or so. You can determine your target range using salary and cost-of-living research tools like Payscale,, Glassdoor and NerdWallet, as well as your professional network. Information on the UK-wide higher education negotiations for 2022-23 which take place within the Joint National Committee for Higher Education Staff (JNCHES). Be prepared and use facts (average salary information, cost of living statistics) 3. The national negotiating committee for higher education staff(New JNCHES) met yesterday for the first time this year, to negotiate on higher education pay for 2021/22. UCU branches have been asked to call emergency general meetings before 30 June after key decisions over the major issues facing the sector were taken at the recent higher education sector conference. We met again yesterday on 13 December. The precise dates of the action will be confirmed next week: Universities to be hit with 18 days of strike action before April. The process of developing the JNCHES claim and campaign for 2021/22 has begun with the joint trade union side meeting last month. The UCU negotiators stressed the need for action planning, monitoring, publishing data and the need to progress issues that aren't dependent on working groups. UCEA also made some limited proposals in regards to the pay related and equality elements of the claim. Do you support sending the strongest possible message to the employers by immediately announcing our intention to re-ballot to renew our mandate for further action? We have also made progress on pay with the removal of the lowest point from the pay scale, and a review of the pay spine that will benefit everyone. University staff renew strike mandate with historic ballot result, UCU's Higher Education Committee has decided that the proposals in the pay dispute should go out to a full member consultation - this will commence on Tuesday 4 April 2023:Formal consultation on employers' proposals and announcing our reballot result. We are also planning to produce a series of videos which capture the lives of members in higher education, and how they are affected by degraded pay, casualisation, equality failings and more. I cant stop students from cheating, they write, so is it even worth it to tryespecially when Im so overworked and, When you look back over your entire career and life, Victoria McGovern asks, who said or did something that helped gu. The cookies we use are completely safe and don't contain any sensitive information. Know how to negotiate for the future rather than now. These value judgments can become part of your BATNA (best alternative to a negotiated agreement), the minimum level of compensation you will accept for a job, below which you will decline the offer. Following a further round of talks at Acas, the joint unions today issued this statement: Talks between UCEA and the HE trades unions continue. All branches in the Four Fights and USS disputes will be balloted over taking industrial action that would impact both the induction weeks this autumn as well as spring 2023. HEC also agreed to begin preparations for a UK wide marking and assessment boycott, which would see staff refusing to undertake marking and assessment duties: Members at another 12 universities have voted in favour of joining industrial action over attacks on pay, pensions & working conditions. A former department chair at Syracuse University addressed the common fear of asking for too much money: I have never known a university to retract a job offer just because the candidate asks for too much. The claim, which among other demands covers UCU's core Four Fight demands; a pay rise for all that is progressive, tackling intersectional pay inequality, dealing with excessive workloads, stress and mental health linked to Covid-19, and addressing wide spread precarious contracts and a specific claim for GTA's. 2022 Contract Negotiations - United University Professions Towards the end of the meeting UCEA made a final offer on pay; the headline pay offer is 1.5%. Its not so much a fear of speaking up, negotiating, asserting oneself, etc. If you continue without changing your settings, we'll assume that you're happy to receive all cookies on our website. Northern Ireland pay & conditions ballot scrutineer's report [257kb], Read the full story here: University staff vote for UK-wide strike action in historic ballot. When we refused to agree to this they refused to engage in negotiations. The pay option Members at 150 universities will strike for three days in November over attacks on pay, working conditions and pensions it was announced today. Multiple colleagues in graduate career coaching offered a counterintuitive suggestion: become comfortable with silence. It's important to note that UCEA have not set out their position in a written offer at this time. Further details are available via Campus News (13 September 2022 Notice has been served on higher education employers where there is a live ASOS mandateand, with immediate effect, ASOS will consist of: TheHE disputes FAQhas been updated to include the union's latest advice on ASOS. WebOver the span of a 40-year career, that adds up to a $407,760 pay gap. The HE trade unions pressed UCEA to improve their opening offer of 1.1% on pay and in regards to the pay related and equality elements of the claim, for a meaningful offer that focuses on action and sector wide frameworks to address pay inequality, precarious employment and workloads. UCU today confirmed it will move ahead with plans to ballot staff in disputes over pay & conditions and pensions. UCU general secretary Jo Grady had earlier updated members on the latest decisions made by HEC and UCU's officers. We are awaiting clarification from the employers as to what their offer of 'joint work' might entail. She After adjusting for inflation, the sector has seen its total income rise by around 15% over the last six years. Negotiators expect parity between It was announced today that strike ballots will open at UK universities on Tuesday 6 September over pay and working conditions, alongside a second ballot over pension cuts. There were constructive discussions about developing a way forward and both sides agreed to enter into urgent negotiations between now and 31January 2023with a view to resolving both the 2022/23 pay round,on which the current dispute is based,and the 2023/24 pay round. If you have a previously established line of communication with your contact through the phone, give her/him a UCU |University and College Union, Carlow Street, London NW1 7LH About HE negotiating. UCU general secretary Jo Grady today confirmed that a marking and assessment boycott will begin from Monday 23 May. .positionleft.inlineimage, .positionright.inlineimage { max-width: 49% !important; margin-bottom: 1.5em !important; } .positionleft.inlineimage { margin-right: 0.5% !important; } .positionright.inlineimage { margin-left: 0.5% !important; } @media(max-width:600px) { .positionleft.inlineimage, .positionright.inlineimage { max-width: 100% !important; margin: 0 0 1em 0 !important; } #emergencybanner {margin-bottom: -1em !important;} }.