Some lizards will migrate to new habitats in the mountains and become isolated, leading to allopatric speciation. Continue treating the three insect populations with the same insecticides and determine whether their efficiencies decline significantly after several generations. The original habitat had many available unoccupied ecological niches that were colonized by populations of the original species. The following questions were not written by College Board and although they cover information outlined in the AP Biology Course and Exam Description the formatting Based on the data in table 1, which of the following best provides evidence to support this claim? Which of the following best explains the divergence in morphology in the birds? By the end of the twentieth century, the peppered version of the moth was again more common than the black version. AP Biology Unit 7 Progress Check Flashcards | Quizlet This molecule cannot exist. C. During the nineteenth century, increased ship commerce between Great Britain and Ireland facilitated the gene flow of the black variety, spreading it throughout the moth's normal range. A. The researchers determined that the East lava flow population is not in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Which of the following best explains the relationship between coat color and predation rate in the rock pocket mouse population on the lava flow rocks with respect to the different coat color phenotypes? Which of the following best describes what occurred during the periods indicated by the arrows? z=ycos(xy),(2,2,2)z=y \cos (x-y), \quad(2,2,2)z=ycos(xy),(2,2,2), Write the electron configuration of the ion. Which of the following represents an alternate hypothesis tested by this experiment with regard to the population sizes of Henslow's sparrows? Solved College Board AP Classroom Unit 7 Progress - Chegg c) storing bile that is released into the bloodstream. Many of these species rely on pollinators that migrate based on changes in day length and the position of the Sun. The population was predominantly black throughout the nineteenth century. Which of the following best predicts the impact on the lizard species if there is a gradual increase in the average temperatures found in both the lowlands and mountains in this region? Which of the following would be an appropriate alternative hypothesis? The genotypes BB and Bb result in dark-colored fur, the genotype bb results in light-colored fur. A group of birds is found in an island chain that have all descended from a single ancestral species. 19 Attempt 2: Communities & Ecosys, Teaching and Learning Across the Lifepsan. B. Start each population with genetically identical bacterial cells from a single culture to make sure that the initial genetic variation in all of the populations was exactly the same. For a specific bike plus rider of total mass 78kg78 \mathrm{~kg}78kg, FD14.0NF_{\mathrm{~D} 1} \approx 4.0 \mathrm{~N}FD14.0N; and for a speed of 2.2m/s,FD21.0N2.2 \mathrm{~m} / \mathrm{~s}, F_{\mathrm{~D} 2} \approx 1.0 \mathrm{~N}2.2m/s,FD21.0N. Find at what slope angle \theta the bike and rider can coast downhill at a constant speed of 8.0m/s8.0 \mathrm{~m} / \mathrm{~s}8.0m/s. Two flat steel bars are supposed to be connected together by a pin at BBB, and the system is supposed to be stress free after the pin is inserted (see Fig.given). Image courtesy of Pixabay Facts about the test: The AP Biology exam has 60 multiple choice questions and you will be given 1 hour The group of mice fed the mutagen will show a greater ability to digest the food, because the higher genetic variation within the group makes it more likely that some individuals will have a combination of genes better adapted to the new food. Owls (primary predators of rock pocket mice) are nocturnal visual predators that are able to distinguish effectively between dark and light colors in low-light conditions. One group is given food with an added substance that is known to be a mutagen. A. Introns must be removed from eukaryotic DNA before the gene is inserted into the plasmid. Which statement below best states an alternative hypothesis Fox could have used to frame his research? D. Cells with mitochondria were able to utilize metabolic energy more efficiently. Determine the velocity and acceleration of point PPP on the disk at this instant. The distance the horses ran became shorter between 1880 and 1940. C. The frequency of the MC1RDMC1RD allele will decline due to natural selection. Which of the following best predicts the impact on the lizard species if there is a gradual increase in the average temperatures found in both the lowlands and mountains in this region? Which of the following best predicts why the recombinant bacteria will fail to produce the eukaryotic protein? Natural selection acted on variation that was present in both populations A and B, and the lack of gene flow eventually led to the formation of two new species. Owls (primary predators of rock pocket mice) are nocturnal visual predators that are able to distinguish effectively between dark and light colors in low-light conditions. Which of the following best predicts the effect of the enclosure on the O'Neill population? Are the following statements true or false? The presence of MC1Rd alleles in the East lava flow population is an indication of gene flow from mice populations living on light granite rocks. A. C. Humans and mice share a recent common ancestor that had the 5-TTAGGG-35-TTAGGG-3 repeat sequence in its telomeres. There is no difference in iridium levels in sediments that were deposited on Earth 3.6 billion years old, compared to recent sediments. AP Biology Unit 7 Evolution MCQ Questions 1.pdf - AP Some plant species flower in response to increasing daily temperatures in the spring. There are two species of elephant seals: northern elephant seals, Mirounga angustirostris, found off the western coast of North America from Baja California to the Gulf of Alaska, and southern elephant seals, M. leonina, found in the southern oceans. C. Populations with little genetic diversity are less likely to contain individuals that can withstand different selective pressures. Observed modern extinction rates will resemble the rates found early in previous extinctions. Which of these would be an appropriate null hypothesis to test related to whether meteorites hit the Earth 3.6 billion years ago? Natural selection acted on variation that was present in both populations A and B, and the lack of gene flow eventually led to the formation of two new species. Organisms in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya each have adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine bases forming their DNA. Students created a model showing one possible mechanism for speciation in which a geographic barrier separated one large population into two smaller populations, A and B. These building blocks combined to form polymers, such as crude proteins. During the last few decades, tall buildings have been built around the woodlot, and species 3, 4, and 5 are shadeintolerant plants. B. Based on the information provided in the figure, which of the following best describes how membrane-bound organelles provided unique evolutionary advantages to the last eukaryotic common ancestor?