With this subscribe youll be able to capture everything happening in front of it as long as theres no offline or switch off moments! Great write up!!!! You should probably make a note here that Ubiquti has released a pro version of their doorbell which can be with a PoE adaptor. UniFi Video - Ubiquiti Support and Help Center I bought a KlikAanKlikUit ACDB-7000BC wireless chime, but when I connect the sender to the U-shape connectors, it keeps ringing. The doorbell is powered with 24v by using terminal 7 and 12 on the transformer, and the chime is connected with 12v with terminal 7 and 9. hi Ruud If I am correct more power is drawn to ring the chime, but when its not connected I can imagine that the doorbell shut down to prevent any damage. The 10 Best Security Cameras of 2023 | by The Spruce It looks like it continuously pressed. Lorex is a well-known brand that specializes in security cameras and surveillance systems. After a couple of second, the doorbell is ready for setup. So I only have to worry about wiring to the relay. Does it give provide the source voltage of the door bell on the two extra wires as soon as the bell is pushed? I just bought the G4 Door Bell EU, which comes with an 18V AC/10W DIN transformer. You can keep this led ring on or keep it off. who would have known the strange world of bell voltages varied so much across the world. I imagine a 16V relay, would have worked with the supplied transformer. I dont suppose you could help me out with the wiring for this relay? The ability to use it without a subscription is great and a big plus compared to Nest and Ring. If you need to supply power to your chime, then connect the red and black wire from the doorbell adapter (on terminals 7 and 9) to the chime on terminals 1 and 3. Hey! Unifi Protect recording continuously even recording mode is - Reddit The most novel aspect of the new UniFi Protect G4 Doorbell Pro is its dual camera design. You will have to test it but what might work is this: Both options work well, but which one is better depends entirely upon what kind of person you are in terms of preferences do you want everything stored off-site or would they rather keep things at home? To give you an idea of the video quality at night I have created two screenshots for you: When somebody is at the doorbell you will get a notification on your mobile with one or two seconds. Do You Need An Apple Pencil With Your iPad? - Luka Klapan. I have studied how the relay connects now thanks to the mistake so its all good. For instance, some may ask if these devices record video continuously or only when someone rings the bell? Usually, doorbells with a camera attached will have two ways of recording your videos (1) on a cloud server and (2) on whichever device you happen to use locally. I used this one. While the E841CD-E supports full color night vision based on ambient lighting, 4MP cameras tend to perform better than 4K cameras at night. If you need a surveillance system for a medium-large business, or possibly a federal government contract, Ubiquiti is a great choice. I just installed it and the setup works like a charm. I am awaiting it in the UK, but was very conscious of the 24v issue and went out of my way to install a chime doorbell. The reason for this is that when it rains, light reflections of passing cars could trigger a motion alert. With that out of the way, the Lorex E841CD-E has a lot more improved features. This enables the camera to detect persons which will make motion alerts a lot more accurate. Securitylatest.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Your instructions worked perfectly. The Best Video Doorbell that Offers 24/7 Continuous Recording So you can talk directly to the person in front of the door from your smartphone. Right off the bat, its apparent that the Lorex E841CD-E and the Ubiquiti (UniFi) G4 Bullet are a world apart in terms of specs, appearance, and pricing. Very loud and clear. I guess I need a different type of relay to connect to the 220v chime? Both worked very well and the zones are flexible. I have the exact same Hardware and exact same wire scheme.