We'll call Simon. Everything looks good. Wanted to watch some clothes out there. And I slammed my hands down on the table, and I was like: 'I'm not gonna think about it anymore, I'm not gonna over-think it; I'm getting it, and we're not talking about it anymore, and she was like, 'OK.'. Falling Podcast.pdf - Unfictional Podcast - Course Hero Yeah, yeah. It felt like time was stopped. Yeah, I probably said if you, you know, went to the park and started looking at trees, the shapes are different. He's a writer, and his book about his father and the plane crash is Crazy for the Storm. Let's try this. You just had the inside on your own. And the legend goes that Albert Einstein was walking around one day and he found himself imagining a person riding in an elevator. Yes. No fluffy back. As someone who makes his living making radio, I am acutely aware of my hearing, and the sounds around me. No. How does its placement affect other pieces within. What makes you larger and one who makes you see what you want and I should go right through the center? You'll hear there's going to be a moment. Bur he was intense and sometimes reckless with with the demands he put on his young son to live a life of gritty adventure, and extremes. It's the office of Dr. Jane Gay]. Oh, yeah. Do you hear words? OK. OK, he is out of the plane now, he's hurling through space free falling. Another way of saying it, the flip it around, it may make it more clear, just as you can turn gravity off by snapping the cable, you can actually simulate gravity by pulling on the cable that pulls that elevator up really, really quickly, because now the scale is running into your feet. They take her out to the middle of the river. How do you like that? I'm Robert Krulwich by this John Murray Radio Lab is produced by Jad Abumrad and Tim Howard. So that's your cruising speed as your cruising speed. Lot of trial and error until you get the timing right. I'm Dr. Lee, anesthesiologist DR. LEE: I'm the one main guy put you to sleep and wake you up. Podcast Quiz Flashcards | Quizlet Look at you. This is where we get back to what Quammen calls the terminal velocity issue or here's how and put it to us. Even I do. Um, how do I want to know this is tape to you? Even their first kiss, he didn't realize he was kissing a girl he'd actually known for years. Evan Chapman, Glen Farmer and Norman Ollestad, March, 2013. Nice one. That's right. And Newton could not explain why it happened. The pilots had to take desperate actions if they had any chance of saving lives; did they have enough time for a safe landing? podcast pages. It's a Radiolab dot org. Provide an example that supports your ideas. They're sort of like particles that just kept colliding in the lobby of the dorm on the sidewalk. Historical perspectives and events that magically relate to modern times. And I had two friends who were in love. If we go back to Australopithecus afarensis, this is Lucy, three million years ago, Lucy was bipedal. It's UnFictional, hosted by Bob Carlson. But I mean, how it works is it just puts the pen down. Transcript of Falling from Radiolab | Happy Scribe Oh, boy. You can use software that automatically transcribes podcasts for you, or you can transcribe manually by listening to the audio and typing it out.