Added a loading icon on top of the text box. CREATE YOU UNDERTALE CHARACTER (Create you Own Character at undertale) remix god sans by 93887443. We have a Discord server! Description: As well as the Chara sprite, I did this . Make your own dress up game or character creator for free! Added Blueberry and Carrot in Fanon Underswap. We do not discriminate here at PonyAR. This feature cannot be turned back on once off until a new drawing is created. Added a bunch of new expressions for Underswap Papyrus ("pissed", "surprised", "confused", "looking up", "raised eyebrow", "disguised") and removed some of them as well ("sad", "laugh", "googly eyes", "crying") as they didn't fit the redesign. Adding parameters through separate GET parameters (undertale_box.png?character=demi&expression=happy&text=hello!) #Picrew UNDERTALE skeleton For non-commercial, entertainment uses only. Shaded Ground's (Underfell) story added to the help page. To develop them, your top choice should be a sprite maker service. Moldsmal. idk why I got dis oc by BOIIIIII-_-. Put them in at the end, hell, do it in the middle of the text, it doesn't even care. Uploaded images' links are no longer logged either. create your own undertale au. Updated the name ILLUMM to Dekania in the credits. To assign a custom brush - simply use the select tool and select the desired area. Changed the way colors work. From now on, it will use the database to ensure every single person involved in the generator is credited. Updated Distrust's name to Underswap Disbelief, as the name Distrust wasn't canon. Tubertale Jack's sprites have been updated. Join the TikTok trend of re-creating your friends and OCs in anime makers. Added a new expression for Brick (extra): "Looking at camera". New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Generates an Undertale OC for you. New games Trending Popular. This is a place Added new expressions for Underswap+ Flowey. Create shirts, phone-cases, mugs and more! It's an internal change, so you won't notice much of a difference, but it will make my work WAY easier (and that means more good stuff for you). A bug with the Determination font that made it not behave as a monospace font has been fixed. Picrew is a platform for image makers. Fixed the bug that made backgrounds a lighter shade of black when uploading transparent pictures to use in the generator. Undertale OC generator!! At the moment nothing about them can be configured and transparency is not allowed, but they work. Added new sprites for Berdly based on his Dark World expressions. Even if they are gifs, it's still static images. So there's a lot of characters I don't know anything about, and I don't really have any motivation to add them. Dissonant Harmonies has been disabled (no updates, doesn't follow the rules). Disable the drawing from being downloaded on your computer when submitting. Added a log of the generated boxes. Added a lot of new errors to avoid the generation of invalid images when not inputting obligatory parameters like the URL when using a custom character or the text (specially for when the generator is used through external tools, none of these errors is possible if using it through this website). Added Grillby (sprite by Deacon) in Undertale (Extra). Create your own Undertale text boxes with any character, expression and text! toby-fox The universe Name The Fallen is now properly capitalized. M U S I C by NoodkeCabodle13. Only the rebels and clover are missing, since they use a new kind of icons that replace the asterisk instead of talksprites. We're sorry but the game doesn't work properly without JavaScript enabled. The code that displays a couple of random sprites by the sides of the Undertale Text Box Generator's title has been improved a lot.