Sparklings come out of the Well as feral little things, to survive until adults can help them. And everyone else is funny Where stories live. Dannys eyes drifted to the large fireball in the sky, which happened to be heading straight for them. Sorry., Ratchet huffed. Set after the events of Survival of the Fittest. Then he waved one hand out to get the flight attendants' attention. Together with her handmaidens, they run away from home because they would be forced into marriage. He quickly recovered from his fall and swung a piece of metal debris at the Con, who blocked it and threw out his fist, knocking Bumblebee to the ground. Regular is Lizz and the Animated Autobots conversation. He couldnt help but chuckle when Bumblebee beamed at his praise. She was terrified when they tell her and using what she knows, she manages to flee from their grasp, much to Optimus's despair. Only Jazz could manage to do that, it amazed and amused his friends. Sentinel Prime (Transformers) - Works | Archive of Our Own Both are seemingly content with their lives and neither want much more.However, both humans' lives are irreversibly changed as Decepticons Lugnut and Blitzwing attack them, demanding something called an All-Spark fragment. The amu A young teenager, Scarlet Yeager,hopes to one day meet her heroes, the Autobots,but there's a new group in the states saying the Autobots are also Decepticons. Bumblebee included., Why do you keep calling B-127 Bumblebee? Jazz asked curiously. One phone showing nothing was a coincidence but two? It is alien to her, just as alien as the autobots themselves. But there's a dangerous, yet familiar enemy, the Quintessons who are now active and threatened the safety of both Cybertron and earth. "Is there any medical professional at all on board? After the events of "Endgame," Sentinel Prime uncovers a shocking discovery about Cybertron's new hero - and Optimus Prime must deal with the revelation that he is the son of Megatron. But, you refuse to let it in cause you got intimacy issues. "You mean do I see five Cybertronians, some which look like a few of our team mates, and a human girl standing in front of us?" His intentions had been pure when he initially picked up the datapad. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title, Over 10 months after Bumblebee", the titular robot decides to return to Brighton Falls for someone who brought him back to life. When we made it to the other side things got wierd. Transformersarmada Stories - Wattpad After half an hour of a break in the Autobot room, everyone turned to the sound of a door opening. Blitzwing dropped Bumblebee over the edge of the cliff, watching as the scout slammed into the mountains side multiple times before dropping in the same place theyd started. She was practically an expert on doing shit you shouldnt do. His memory core still damaged, doc bot? Didnt have much of a choice, Ratch.. Affects Bee. Starscream hadnt been aware that a certain techno-organic had been given leave to experiment on any Decepticon soldiers, much less the only other Seeker present in High Command. ? Sunstreaker exclaimed. Picking up where TFA Season 3 ended. Now he has to try and live amongst demons and come to terms with his new life. How? Bumblebee pushed down Blitzwings hand and used it to swing around and kick the Decepticon in the face. When Optimus rescues a mysterious mer one day he never expected it that it would lead to the reawakening of the ancient magics of the world. Shockwave, Decepticon spy and loyal servant to Megatron, has been tasked with the infiltration of Autobot intelligence under the guise of an inconspicuous mech known as Longarm. Transformers Animated: Cybertronian Genesis by Darth T-Rex is a TFA continuation fic detailing the events after Season 3. Any questions?. He wasn't prepared for what came next and now he must fight in a new version of the same war, only this time, a seasoned veteran and as an anomaly Death is fear, Death is someone you cannot run from. Theyve broken through the front lines! Ratchet shouted, blasting the oncoming Decepticons. Her bad ideasd cost her her eye, and her hands, and a better life, after all. by Mac-reader2004 136K 3.6K 37 Lora Creed, a 15 year old girl, comes across a lost Cybertronian relic in the middle of Jasper, Nevada. A people with scars of every type. He was saving up for a motorcycle, but . Wheres B-127?, A yellow Cybertronian car skidded across the ground and produced two blasters from Its hood, firing at passing Decepticons before slamming into two from behind. Please consider turning it on! What kind of show is this! , , . But Blades is proof it is real, and with that comes new dangers. Ok. First Official chapter of this book! Autobots, enough, Optimus said, forcing Ironhide and Bumblebee back into their seats before they were up in Starscreams face. Probably screaming like a little girl, Jazz snorted. "BossBot wants us to bring them to Base." Jazz wont speak with American slang because hes never been to Earth. I will do the universes MTMTE, Generation One, TFP, TFRID 2015 and 2001, Bayverse, Rescue Bots, Armada, etc. Itll all make sense in a few minutes.. Important Notes:-Takes place in the Transformers Prime continuity (2010)-References to specific episodes will be listed front of chapters-Some details have been pulled from the IDW Comic continuity to flesh out the characters more-Several events and characters have been altered from the canon to make the story flow better, Major differences from established canon:-Soundwave has telepathic abilities-Humans do not appear in this story nor are they ever referenced-Starscream has Null Ray blasters (He never upgrades in the 2010 series)-Conjunx Endura lasts beyond death. Smokescreen following. Shame that it's hard to pay attention. I asked. Get to the tower!, Destroy the launch pad, Shockwave ordered Starscream, who took off with his team. If I can somehow miraculously survive this lust-filled journey, and make it to civilization where I can be rescued Then it would be a god-sent. And when she tries to find a good life somewhere else, her world comes to a crashing renewal as she is set upon by decepticons. I had started this story last year, and ended up finishing it now that I found it again.