The foraging ants emerge in the evenings and swarm between April and June. They are so tiny you may need a magnifying lens to see their features up close. The bite of a no-see-um is extremely painful. These grayish bugs are often found in damp, dark places. The most effective no-see-um treatment is. biting midges, no-see-ums, Culicoides spp. - University of Florida Fruit flies are annoying pests in Florida homes throughout the year. Winter tends to bring a bit of a reprieve, though there are some areas of South Florida that have to deal with midges year-round. This leaves you wondering whether theres a pest lurking somewhere close by or your imagination is making you believe that there is. They tend to congregate in groups, making them easier to spot. Types of flies common in Florida include the following: Silverfish is a creepy gray bug commonly found in damp places in Florida homes. Figure 1 shows a no-see-um fly on a patch of human skin. Sometimes, you notice the small grain-like insects on white bed linen before they jump away. If youve been planning a trip to the Florida Keys, youve probably seen a lot of promotional material put out by the various tourist industries. Biting midges are often referred to as no-see-ums because they are so small that they can be hard to spot. Imagine having these in your home. Dr. Rosenberg has been married to his wife Mary for 38 years and they have three grown children together. Mr.Ripp, CC-BY-SA-2.5 via Wikimedia Commons. Carpenter ants are some of the most common indoor pests in Florida. They have a habit of rolling into a ball when threatened. No-see-ums live in tropical environments and lay eggs in moist substrate. Theyre often hard to spot and can be difficult to eradicate, especially in a swarm. Natural repellents are another option to keep. Somethings Biting Me! Biting midges are often referred to as no-see-ums because they are so small that they can be hard to spot. When it rains heavily, they look for higher ground and sometimes venture indoors. From perfectly calibrated espresso shots to a typical coffee maker, and everything in between, there are many ways Termites are bad news for any homeowner, and they can cause tens of thousands of dollars in damage and repairs to your home. (Our Top 5 Picks!). Carpenter ants, like many ants, are food seekers and love any food waste you may drop. From bean weevils to granary ones, you may find a variety of weevils invading your kitchen and bathroom. Dr. Rosenberg is a board-certified Family Physician who obtained a BS in Chemistry at Georgia's Mercer University in 1983 and a medical degree from the University of Miami in 1988. Having lived in Florida for years, I decided to compile this list of the 12 best things to do in and around the city. Summary. This invasive species of march fly don't bite or sting, but they are considered to be a pest and a major nuisance, mainly because they come out in droves twice a year and cover everything, especially road vehicles. Each bug has certain qualities that make them either beneficial, harmful, or downright irritating. The first lovebug season is in the spring, during the months of April and May. Typically, however, these particular Florida bug bites result in localized swelling and painful white pustules. Insidious Flower Bugs are small. 19 Small Brown Bugs (With Pictures) - Identification Guide - Leafy Place Here are a few examples of how to identify common Florida spiders: Brown recluse spider (Loxosceles reclusa), Brown widow spider (Latrodectus geometricus), Domestic house spider (Tegenaria domestica), Common house spider (Parasteatoda tepidariorum), The eastern bark centipede is native to South Florida and is identified by a long bluish body with numerous creamy legs. If you suspect an infestation or are having a hard time getting rid of pests, call a professional. Fleas are a common house bug in Florida that get into homes on the back of pet cats and dogs. Insects have three body segments and six legs. Biting Midges | Public Health and Medical Entomology - Purdue Drain flies are just what their name states, flies that come out of the drains. Continue with Recommended Cookies. They are also responsible for stings on livestock and pets. If left untreated, these bugs can itch for days. This is because they use their piercing mouthparts to puncture the skin and suck blood. While mosquitos cause itching, fire ants cause immense pain. These red and black ants are common in Central and South Florida. Although they might seem small, it would be a mistake to call ants powerless. Silverfish are not dangerous and dont bite. This large cockroach grows to a length of 30-40 mm (1.2-1.6 in). Our wet, subtropical climate creates the perfect environment for insects and arachnids of all kinds to thrive. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. They can be found throughout Florida, and are most noticeable during warmer months. They are often brownish or black and lay their larvae in any grains for their babies eating pleasure. There are five tiny black bugs in Florida homes that no one talks about often. Increase air movement in screened porches by using high velocity fans. Biting & Stinging Insects Mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, wasps--Florida is crawling with biting and stinging insects, and most of us have been bitten or stung at some point. Just the presence of carpenter ants in your kitchen may be a sign of an infestation. This huge wasps other identifying features are its rusty-orange legs and wings, black patch on its thorax, and black antennae. Florida Insect Identification:Silverfish are easy to identify due to their tapered body with a silvery sheen, wriggling movements, and a pair of long antennae. The small yellowish flies measure 0.27 to 0.39 (7 10 mm). Florida Insect Identification: Deer flies are identified by their black and yellow abdomen and wings with dark patches. Black and yellow cicada killer wasps grow to 2 (5 cm) long.