And because no permanent changes are made to the host 10/22, it can be easily reconverted to its original configuration. The exact cause remains unknown, but was resolved with the transition to the M1A1.[76]. Thompsons(!) A notable variant of the Model 1928 with an aluminum receiver and tenite grip, buttstock, and forend, was made by Savage.[73]. Consequently, they cannot be legally imported or owned except under very limited circumstances. It is now effectively impossible for a firearm of this type to be legally possessed by a member of the general public, except in certified deactivated condition or where specifically manufactured as a semi-automatic in caliber .22LR. The gun, in a government approved semiautomatic conversion or clone, can legally be owned by hunters and sport shooters. If a gun cycles light target loads - in my case Lapua and Eley's match loads - it will cycle anything found in a gun store. by R. Blake Stevens Collector Grade Publications (2004). Jeff Bradley shows off the Modern Hunting Rifle (MHR) from Christensen Arms at SHOT Show 2023. While this country may have moved past the periods of frontier expansion, Prohibition, as well as wars in Europe and the Pacific, these three new offerings from Standard Manufacturing still deserves a place in the heart of America's shooting public - and in your gun safe. Replica Thompson SMG | sabremilitaria In Burma and India, British forces largely replaced the Thompson with the Sten gun. Although Thompsons submachine gun received positive evaluations from both the Army and the U.S. Marine Corps, neither service initially opted to purchase it on a widespread basis. Thompson ad The Thompson Submachine Gun entered production as the M1921 version, but the American military showed little interest. Review: Standard Manufacturing 1922 .22-Caliber Tommy Gun The 1928 variant can be disassembled easily by first detaching the stock, then sliding off the lower receiver and then simply removing the internal parts, cleaning them, and then putting it back together. Order one for your collection, and own a piece of American history! "The Colt Thompson Submachine Gun". Magazines are held in place by an extension that fits into a cutout in the rifle so that there's no chance they'll loosen. | Because of their quality and craftsmanship, as well as their gangster-era and WWII connections, Thompsons are sought as collector's items. In fact it has a bunch of functions of the real gun. Fraudulent, fake, or unauthorized websites may feature suspicious content or make unusual requests, such as requests to pay by non . The SCAR 15P is chambered for 5.56 NATO and, with its 7.5-inch barrel, is the most compact SCAR to date. The Annihilator prototypes first were fed from a 20-round box magazine, but later, the 50- and 100-round drum magazine models were developed. Unmistakable: The Thompson | An Official Journal Of The NRA If a gun cycles light target . 0. Overall its a great item for the price! Historic 'gangster' submachine guns found buried at Lake Hume They also created difficulty when clearing a cartridge malfunction ("jam"). So I got this crazy idea to turn my 10/22 into a semi-automatic Thompson. Jun 16. Original U.S. WWII Thompson M1-M1A1 British Issue Anglicized Buttstock. Late M1s also had simplified fire control switches, also carried over to the M1A1. It had an extended receiver with a recoil buffer and was fed from 20-round magazines. this was possibly the first engagement were submachineguns were used on both sides. We offer the same attention to craftsmanship today that made the original so highly regarded. The Sten and M3 are much better and cost nearly half as much. [74], Some M1928A1 Thompsons were used by the French before and during the Battle of France (1940) under the designation "Pistolet-mitrailleur 11 mm 43 (C.45) M. 28 A1. The possession of any fully automatic firearm is prohibited in the UK by the Firearms Act 1968; prohibited firearms can be possessed on a section 5 certificate, but these are not issued for sporting purposes. The Viet Cong liked the weapon and used both captured models as well as manufacturing their own copies in small jungle workshops.[61]. [44], A number of these guns were acquired by a construction company in Brazil,[who?] ELAS was the strongest of the resistance forces during the period of Greek Resistance against the Germans and Italians and were supplied with arms from both the British and the United States. Fifteen thousand were produced by Colt for Auto-Ordnance. Thompson submachine gun | Gun Wiki | Fandom From $34.95. [27], It is the first weapon to be labelled and marketed as a "submachine gun".[28]. [35] It was also sold to the United States Marine Corps, who used their Thompsons in the Banana Wars. [26] This was the weapon Brigadier General Thompson demonstrated at Camp Perry in 1920. Home Defense III $4K Guns & Gear Giveaway Click here to enter now. The Australian government destroyed most of their Thompson machine carbines in the 1960s. Thompson requested Payne to develop a method of reducing the cyclic rate of fire. The BSA 1926 was manufactured in 9mmP and 7.63mm Mauser and were tested by various governments, including France, in the mid-1920s. While it has a few flaws to a trained eye, it accurately represents the gun for display purposes in a museum setting that's primary focus is not the weaponry itself, but rather the era in which they were primarily used. The iconic Thompson Submachine Gun was the main Allied submachine gun in the critical early years of World War II. I Have This Old Gun: Colt Military 1908 Pocket Hammerless | An Official Journal Of The NRA, NRA Women | My Daughters First Custom 10/22 Rifle Build, 7 Simple Follow-Through Tips to Improve Your Accuracy (Right Now!) (The last we checked, an M1928A1 or semiauto from Auto Ordnance averaged near 11 pounds. This is a very nice replica that is a great conversation and display piece. Army Ordnance approved adoption (as the M1) in April 1942. So it is with this one. His youth was much like that of a military brat, living from post to post, yet by the age of 16 he had . Only the fully automatic version is a prohibited weapon. A submachine gun combines automatic firepower with the portability of a stocked, heavy calibre pistol. The rear sight almost doubles the 10/22s sight radius, increasing accuracy potential; I was bouncing tin cans at 100 yards. According to a recent Federal Emergency Management Agency report, fewer people are "prepping" today compared to previous years. . The Thompson submachine gun, also known as the "Tommy gun," is one of the most iconic firearms of the 20th century. M1s were made by Savage Arms and by Auto-Ordnance. Copyright 2023 National Rifle Association, Women On Target Instructional Shooting Clinics, Volunteer At The Great American Outdoor Show, Marion P. Hammer Women Of Distinction Award, Women's Wildlife Management / Conservation Scholarship, National Youth Shooting Sports Cooperative Program, 10/22 ruger conversion kit to thompson submachine gun, Ruger Commemorates the 50th Anniversary of the 10/22.