The Long Drive - Tanker Map Seed is OP - Ep.8 Squab the Builder 243 subscribers Subscribe 156 Share 13K views 2 years ago Thank you for joining me in "The Long Drive", I hope you enjoy the. A fan watches from a hill on the 11th hole during a Foursome match the Ryder Cup at the Whistling Straits. NTE3MGI2NzcwOTc3MWU3YWVkY2NjNTc2ZjI4MTk0YmE0M2VjZTU1MWVlMDJh seeds that are fun and/or challenging with normal or great generation without any errors or anything annoyingNormal > 1024860785 / 49573047 / 420696912 / -1174820301Fun (Usually has structure spawns as close as possible) > 8976126 / 1912821Fun SeedsSeeds that consist of something unique or to do experimentsBroken/Error seeds > 540987140 / 47893021 / 99999999 / 920Steep Hills (thanks to runden) > -1908366339 / -926364752 / 1698530028 / -1038299817 / 823624822Flatnlvl > -1958123679 / 2182113 / 23457890 / 748931 / 2189321 / 111991119 1698530028 /Old seeds >Other SeedsFor when you don't want a billion shipwrecks but want a ship near spawn > -2108625799 / 617627894Want a challenge kid? Mods at The Long Drive Nexus - Mods and community The map is both challenging and a lot of fun to get through. Silent Base 601 Black------------------#Radex #TheLongDrive #Mods Everything About Raw Accel in Valorant That You Need to Know! This is a fun map to use for long mindless drives. Flat maps like this one give players a lot of room to play around in almost any way they want. Valve Corporation. ZjJhOTIyMzIxMDhjZDg3MDgxMmY4MDEzMzIwMGRjOWViZjZlMmY4Nzc1NTBj So, while maybe not that often, interesting/unusual things will happen. Changed the font of the GUI elements. Or those who didn't know that existed and want some challenge or entertainment:Repeat SeedsRepeat seeds are little errors in the randomizing code for the terrain and objects such as structures rocks and shipwrecks. The experiment is a multicentury attempt to figure out how long . MjUifQ== MWY2YzFhY2YwZDM0N2RkYjJjZDI1OGYwNzY5M2MwNWZmN2M5NTllZTNiYjlm Copyright 2023 Robin Scott. As with the above seed, the only thing that makes this one special is the starting car. NDA1ZjVhNDUyZGE2MjA2OTgzNTRiYzRkOTIyYWJhZGUwMDEwMmU0Y2ZjZWU5 Perhaps every time you load a seed it still randomizes things. Added ability to delete components or objects. A fan watches during a foursome match the Ryder Cup at the Whistling Straits. - Release date january 8, 2023. Site news (important news will be issued), Comments on your files, images and videos, New images and videos added to your files. Nov 18, 2021. Fun seeds to explore or try - The Long Drive Hints & Secrets for PC PC Games Fun seeds to explore or try for The Long Drive Home / PC / Overview Cheats & Hints Questions Videos Developer: Genesz Publisher: Genesz Genre: Simulation Release: Sep 25, 2019 Platform: PC ESRB: Not Set Hints & Secrets Fun seeds to explore or try From: FPSKoda4 If you are one of them, you can leave them in the comments or in separate discussions.. requires TLDLoader, can be found on TLD discord server. The guide is for other users to easily find seeds that they have been dreaming or searching hours for. A Random Loot Save Game at The Long Drive Nexus - Nexus Mods The hatchback body has two variations, having either a standard roof or one that can be opened/removable sunroof. Seeds that are fun and/or challenging with normal or great generation without any errors or anything annoying. In this list, weve compiled some of the best seeds in the game and explained what makes them worth playing. The Long Drive Windows game - Mod DB This is great for just relaxing and killing time. The Long Drive. The car won't need 10-20 liter fuel over just only a . ZDYxZjcxMTQxMjE2YmIyIiwic2lnbmF0dXJlIjoiNmE0MjVlOWFlZjcwYmNk DeChambeau transformed his body during the coronavirus pandemic golf shutdown, adding approximately 40 pounds of muscle and becoming the longest driver on the PGA Tour. Top-ranked Kyle Berkshire, who hit 11 drives of 413 yards or more, hit the biggest attempt of the day: a 455-yard bomb. Of those 64 players, 32 advance to the third stage on Thursday. The Long Drive Cheats, Cheat Codes, Hints, Tips You never know what a Chinese person to see this game translated car with two fuel tanks is how uncomfortable. Related: Best World Seeds in Stardew Valley via TouchTapPlay. Players may need to keep an eye out for extra resources to handle the uphill climb, but the drop from the top can be a lot of fun. A general view of the grandstand at the first tee during Friday morning Foursome matches. The guide would be also 5 miles long making it difficult to navigateAm i missing anything? 2. The Long Drive Guides, Codes, Tips-Tricks! Added ability to teleport objects to player. ago. Join. YTRjMzI5MGQ0MWY2ZjU5MGRkZWNjYTkxYjU5ODgyMTdlMmIxMmIyMTRmMTUw Rory McIlroy hits his tee shot on the first hole during the Sunday Singles matches. Its a nice experience because you can stop when you want to without too much pressure to keep an eye on your resources. 1 / 2. my friend found 1100100 and it has a diner next to spawn. Nzc0NDVkOGZjYzBkMGY1YmVhMGIzZDRiZTRiODFjNGI2NGRhNzgwMDY3N2Nj ZDM0YTE4YTJjNjkyNjRmOGJhYzhlOGUzNjZlOWJiYTA3NzliOWMxZjRmNTMz All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. This is a map that was found by Genesz, the games creator. The Long Drive Nexus - Mods and community Njk2ZDlhY2FhYmIxYzBmYzcwMzRiYTQ4MWY4Yjg0YjIxZGY4Nzg4MzI2Y2My Install hundreds of mods with the click of a button. 580082268. This is a good map for experimenting or for just having a change of scenery. You get a Trabant 601 as your starting car on this seed. MzJlMzA0OWViYTBmNWI5Y2RlNGI2ZDI4Y2I2NTQ1ZDRmYjg2YjZiNzQyMTFi If youre an avid Lee Westwood plays his shot from the third tee during Friday morning Foursome matches. Every seed in The Long Drive is unique, offering players something different from the seeds theyve played previously. Ask a question below and let other gamers answer your question or view answers to previously asked questions. So, we all know that the road is procedurally generated based on a string of up to an 11-character number, positive or negative.