Only advertise listed properties with authorization from the listing agent. As a REALTOR, Im entitled to use the term REALTOR in my ads, but I understand there are certain requirements on how the term may appear. It is the electronic transmission or e-mail that is the communication vehicle through which the business is conducted. place notices and information designed to call the matter to public attention. Advertising real estate or real estate services in a deceptive or misleading manner is strictly prohibited. While these laws vary among the 50 states, they all agree that false, misleading, and dishonest advertisements are illegal. The Code requires that REALTORS respect: a. only exclusive relationships REALTORS have with their clients. Yes, assuming all individuals named in the advertisement are licensed. May I have a global disclosure at the top or bottom of each page that says all persons and firms named in this advertisement are licensed brokers or salespersons? The Code of Ethics has three major sections: a. Members of the public. Be totally honest in your advertising by avoiding exaggerations and misrepresentations about the property. (updated Jan. 1, 2002), NARs Legal Affairs Department answered this question as follows: The term REALTOR, whether used on the Internet, as part of the domain name, or in any other advertisement, must refer to a member or members company, may not be used with descriptive words or phrases, and should be separated from the members name or companys name. Follow these rules to stay out of trouble. Under the Code a copy of an offer to purchase must be given to the buyer. Is the price quoted the price agreed upon by the owner? I would definitely recommend to my colleagues. To unlock this lesson you must be a Member. Can I advertise or recommend the use of services from certain service providers such as inspectors, moving companies, or repair contractors on my website? T** F 13. NAR has an online lookup to check your ethics training status: (login required). Do not use descriptive words to modify the term REALTOR (for example, Professional REALTORS, Commercial REALTORS, etc.). 23. c. suggest a listing price based on comparable market data. Does the ad identify the professional or license status of people in the ad? One is by requiring any person or company that wants to participate in real estate in Rhode Island to have a license. The Code of Ethics also requires that REALTORS disclose the name of the REALTORSs firm in a reasonable and readily apparent manner. Additionally, the advertisement must include what the RICR refers to as ''qualifying language,'' such as ''estimated'' or ''approximate'' immediately preceding any information regarding financial arrangements. Theres A Difference, How the Code of Ethics Complaint Process Works, Your Comments on Advertising Rules, Communication, and Your New Website, Your Comments on Discounts, Mineral Rights on Forms, and a Note About Opendoor, Code of Ethics courses offered by Texas REALTORS (search courses at, Code of Ethics courses offered through a local association, NAR Official Code of Ethics Online Training, Courses from The CE Shop in partnership with Texas REALTORS (. (updated Jan. 1, 2002). (updated Jan. 1, 2002), If I do not identify any individual associate in an advertisement but only name the firm, must the license identification information be included? c. promote their interests over their clients' interests. There is an exception for Internet Data Exchange (IDX) rules from a Realtor-operated MLS allowing listing brokers to provide blanket authority to all MLS members to advertise their listings on their websites. According to NARs5 Everyday Ethical Dilemmas, an advertising tagline like The No. (updated Jan. 1, 2002). or agt. However, even in the well-regulated U.S. industry, real estate advertising ethics rules can be confusing. Management-Richard L Daftpdf split. All advertising for real estate or real estate services by Oklahoma brokerages or brokers must be conducted under the brokerage's trade name as registered with the real estate commission or the name on the individual broker's license. Uses such as or on the other hand are examples of what could be done with the term as part of a domain name., My Web site is designed in such a way that persons accessing the site can communicate and transact business with my firm directly from the Web site. You should contact your attorney to obtain advice with respect to any particular issue or problem. Aside from what you cant advertise, follow these basic rules of thumb: Real estate advertising ethics require authorization, honesty, and 100% transparency. The TREC Legal II course required to renew your license no longer satisfies the NAR requirement for REALTOR Code of Ethics training. Rhode Island Real Estate Advertising: Rules & Requirements 27+ pages the code requires that realtors advertising clearly identify 725kb. The Internet is a medium in which merchants, professionals, vendors, etc. One may not use the term REALTOR as part of ones name, but may use that term to describe the firm. (updated Jan. 1, 2002). The Code requires that REALTORS' advertising clearly identify: You marked: a. the member's professional status or status as a REALTOR. The code requires that realtors' advertising clearly identify:.