The nine members are elected statewide and are currently all Republicans. Camp Here's how to vote in Texas' Nov. 8 midterm elections. Refugio City AC AISD: Precincts 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 324, 325, 326, 421, 422, 424, 425, 426, 427 . Upcoming: May 6, 2023; Past: November 8, 2022 Election; Past: May 24, 2022 Election . El Paso Information specific to preparing your ballots with write-in candidates, printing the required legend instructions for party abbreviations, and procedures for uncontested candidates declared elected has been issued in Advisory 2022-27. <>>>/MediaBox[ 0 0 606.24 1008]/Contents 6 0 R /Rotate 0>>
Gonzales Sample Ballot - November 8, 2022 - General Election for State and County Officers Sample Ballot - June 11, 2022 - Port Arthur Mayor's Runoff Election Sample Ballot - May 24, 2022 - Democratic Primary Runoff Election Sample Ballot - May 24, 2022 - Republican Primary Runoff Election If you have any questions regarding this memorandum or the information enclosed, please call the Elections Division at (800)252-2216 or email } Your Vote Counts 2022: County Sample Ballots - KBTX Fort Worth, Texas, Proposition H, Delete Language on the Option of Certain Officials to Request a Public Hearing before Removal Amendment (May 2022): . You can unsubscribe at any time and we will never share your information. 2022 Texas Primary Election: What you need to know to vote on March 1 TYLER, Texas The May 7 city, school and constitutional amendment election is here and voters should ensure they have the information needed to cast a ballot . LUBBOCK, Texas The following are sample ballot races and a proposition in the November 8, 2022, General and Special Elections in Lubbock and Lubbock County. Brazos Applications are also available at a variety of locations including the county voter registrars office, the secretary of states office, libraries, and high schools. f&* .7 G
Where the office names are linked, you can click to learn more about the race in general. Hansford 2022 General Election Sample Ballots Select your precinct from the list and select the your party affiliation in the corresponding row to view your sample ballot. Just like during Early Voting, voters are no longer restricted to an assigned Vote Center and can choose from any Vote Center in Harris County. Welcome to Voter Eligibility. All rights reserved. You can check out the results of the March 1 primary here. 2022 Ballots by County Voting Precincts. Shackelford Plano Independent School District, Texas, Proposition B, Facilities Bond Measure (November 2022): . Texas has a new 38-district congressional map that incorporates two new House seats, which the state gained due to its population growth. Newton Donley November 8th 2022 General Election Sample Ballot Pct.3A. [emailprotected] Chisum ISD Notice of Election May 2023. Registered Voters as of 03/11/23.