Alberta - District 1 - High School. The Texas Junior High Rodeo Association is proud to mentor and guide our members to achieve good morals while learning a work ethic in and out of the arenas in Texas representing 10 Regions. Please see Region VII Membership Letter. Team Cavender's Youth and Pro Rodeo Teams I am 13 years old and will be homeschooled in the 8th grade. Texas High School Rodeo Promote the sport of rodeo and expose its positive . Texas Results/Standings | thsra New girl in P-town not new to rodeo - Pleasanton Express As a condition of membership in TJHRA (the "Texas Junior High School Rodeo Association"), the undersigned understands that the Texas Junior High School Rodeo Association requires student members, parent members and adult non-parent members to agree not to post on line any comments about the National High School Rodeo Association, the Texas Junior Skills of the range cowboy led to competitive contests that eventually resulted in standard events for rodeo. I love to rope, and I love our rodeo family! The 2,056 sq. Promote the sport of rodeo and expose its positive image to the general public; Preserve the Western Heritage; Offer a privilege of family bonding; Offer an opportunity of continuing education; Maintain the highest regard for the livestock. Explore our campus: President Members Texas Junior High Rodeo Association If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the secretary or any officer listed on the home page. The seniors have competed for Region V at the high school level. About Texas Junior High Rodeo Association Location: 2301 CR 197. THSRA Region VII Nena Boettcher PO Box 833 East Bernard TX 77435, JR. HIGH SCHOOL RODEO FORMS: I was the President of my High School Freshman Class, and a member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. All RCH will be held at 5852 Crosstree Lane, Sealy, TX 77474 BEGIN AT 8AM. Crafted to Inspire. I am extremely grateful and honored for the opportunity to represent my peers as your President. Junior High Region Directors. I enjoy hunting, fishing and hanging out with my family. My Mom and Dad are really cool too. Take a look at the JB Wells Park Calendar for more information about current events. State Advt for Finals Program. The Spanish conquistadors and Spanish-Mexican settlers played a key role in the origin of rodeo with the introduction and propagation of horses and cattle in the Southwest. I love to play volleyball, cheer, run track and rodeo. Anne Dollery, TJHRA SecretaryPO Box 886Caldwell, TX 77836Phone: 979-412-2551Email: Here's to a great 2022-23 rodeo season! By using this site, you agree to its use of cookies. Funeral services for Surcy Lee Peoples Jr. will be held Tuesday, May 14, 2014 at 10:00 am in Cashner Colonial Chapel with Rev. If you have any questions, call the region secretary listed in the packet. Rodeo is a sport that grew out of the cattle industry in the American West. I compete in Region VIII in Barrel Racing, Pole Bending, Team Roping, Breakaway, Ribbon Running and Light Rifle. I have achieved All Year Honor Roll throughout Junior High and have been named MVP in my school 2 years in a row.