Before opening a window, be sure to check that there is nothing on the glass, such as snow or leaves, so as not to stain the interior or damage the electrical system inside. Is there still the Model S with the panoramic roof? One common question is, Does Tesla Model Y have a sunroof?. The Panoramic Sunroof is made on the Model S along with only one other option, a traditional aluminum Body-Colored Roof. A leisurely two-minute stroll will take you to bustling Carlsplatz, where foodies can have their fill of everything from currywurst to fine champagne. However, it has a fixed panoramic glass roof that spans the entire car length and gives you a panoramic view of the sky. The tinting helps keep the cabin cooler in direct sunlight. Do not allow occupants to extend any part of their body through the sunroof. You must log in or register to reply here. Do you value your experience at TMC? New EV are added daily from across the nation. Built by enthusiasts, for enthusiasts, we have the most technologically advanced platform of any online vehicle marketplace. JavaScript is disabled. Yes, the Tesla Model Y glass roofs are tinted and polarised. The roof itself absorbs 99% of the UV radiation coming in, so it is amazingly safe even though you have this large open experience inside your vehicle. Teslaraticannot accept freight costs of any returned merchandise. Where people cant seem to keep the Panoramic Sunroof and the Glass Roof straight? Sunshade Install and Review for the Tesla Model Y - YouTube I use it all the time to reduce the heat in the car when parked. Does Tesla Model 3 Have a Sunroof? Copyright 2006-2022 Tesla Motors Club LLC. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Cost of single fare is 2.60 euros from airport train station to main station but day passes for 2 people covering all transport is 9.90 euros and includes journey out to airport worth getting , also instructions are in multi languages. This type of glass roof is completely yours, that is, with the help of a button or other tool, the sunroof can be opened, closed, and also left to ventilate the interior of an electric car. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Compatible with 2023-2020 Tesla Model Y. SUNSHADE PROTECTION: The Model Y Glass Roof Sunshade further reduces heat transmission into the cabin by blocking 99% of solar thermal load with 2 sunshades. Model Y has a single glass sheet compared to Model 3 which has two separate pieces when seen from the inside. One of the attributes of a certain Tesla model is the glass roof, which gives the impression of riding a convertible while maintaining protection from rain or direct sunlight. When removed, the shades collapse and store in a handy zippered pouch. After all, Panoramic Sunroof and Glass Roof sound exactly the same to anyone who hasnt seen the two in action (arent they both made of glass for a panoramic view, after all?