To be considered, applicants must complete and submit the bid form available on the refuge website and include relevant farming experience. Camp Treefrog is an off-the-grid cabin in great condition with a covered boat slip currently under construction. The buck then walked through a thicket and came into the clear at a distance of 15 to 18 yards, directly facing McLeod. Hunters must possess a valid hunting license, a WMA license and a free map/permit. Hunting Club Information. Licensed in MN - Terri Jensen, Broker. Getting on the stand before daylight the morning of Nov. 23, it didnt take long before Cox began seeing deer. Tensas River NWR. The buck was standing head down, looking to the left and right. Deer Harvest Little River. Tensaw, AL Land for Sale - 2 Listings | LandWatch This Waterfront Hunting & Timber Investment is Located on the Tensaw River at Briar Lake. It is a distributary of the Mobile River, approximately 41 miles (66 km) long. Explore 175,000 acres of public lands, all within 30 minutes of Tensas Escape. Entity ID Number 000535340 . As soon as I saw the rack, I knew it was the big buck we wanted to take. Jun 1, 2021. The deer walked through a small opening not much larger than a dinner plate and all I could see was his rack, Cox said. Licensed in NY - David Barkstedt, Broker, National Land Realty RI, LLC DBA National Land Realty Licensed in CA - (San Diego Office - Bernard Johnson, Broker; Northern California Office - Phillip Thomas, Broker; Central CA Office Kathleen Smart, Broker), National Land Realty FL, LLC DBA National Land Realty Licensed in WV - Casey Reynolds, Broker, National Land Realty VA, LLC DBA National Land Realty Explore 175,000 acres of public lands, all within 30 minutes of, Tensas Parish consistently produces more monster Boone & Crockett bucks than any other parish in Louisiana. Attachment Size; Tensas-River-NWR-2021-22-Hunt-Brochure.pdf 5.81 MB: 5.81 MB: Publication date. Your entire office will be able to use your search subscription. TENSAW RIVER HUNTING CLUB, INC in Fairhope, AL | Company Info Links also do not constitute endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the U.S. Licensed in MS - (Hattiesburg Office - Mark Anderson, Broker; Kosciusko Office - Beth Mclellan, Broker; Houston Office - Mark Lewis, Broker; Natchez Office - Vidal Davis, Broker; Jackson Office - Ronnie Richardson, Broker; Leland Office - Sam Franklin, Broker; Gulf Coast Office - Clint Flowers, Broker). It has now expanded to include the northeast Lower and eastern Upper peninsulas. Hunting Tensaw River Hunting Club, Inc | Alabama Company Directory As I neared the little opening I began to smell a rutting buck, which was odd because our rut over here is several weeks away, Cox said. The refuge is composed of extensive bottomland hardwood forests intermingled with sloughs, swamps and lakes that support a tremendous diversity of wildlife. The individual trails are: the Longleaf Trail, 2.9 miles; Brickport Trail, 1.15 miles; Northridge Trail, 1 mile; Turkey Cutoff Trail, 1 mile; Furnace Hill Trail, .4 mile; and the Bayou Sara Loop Trail, 1 mile. Licensed in KY - (Bowling Green Office - Kraig Moore, Broker), NLR KY East, LLC DBA National Land Realty 30-01-42-0-003-001.006, 30-01-42-0-003-001.003, Single Family Tensaw River Hunting Club, Inc has been operating for 4 years 4 months, and 29 days. He points out the Tensas rut takes place in late December/early January. The buck weighed an astounding 268 pounds. served to you completely ad free and you will be granted access to view every profile in its entirety, even Send in your Pictures! Mobile Tensaw River Hog Hunting. The, A secret long known to locals is that Tensas Parish and its surrounding parishes have some of the finest duck hunting in the United States! The bottomland hardwood forest contains a diversity of plant and animal species. Trying it on for Size: The Tom Beckbe Tensaw Jacket The news of such a deer had travelled fast. They conserve wildlife, and they honor the legacy of the 26th president of the United States and the founder of Editors note: The following article excerpts notes from a question-and-answer session with a noted Service biologist in February 2018. 2nd was 2 fish. Bartram Canoe Trail This is when you stay focused on the pin and the shoulder.. License prices do not include. Big Creek Lake (Converse Reservoir) Bass and crappie fishing have been reported to be the best in recent years especially during the spring, following a drought in 2007. Filing Jurisdiction, Entity Type, Registered Agent, File Number, Filing Status, and Business Category. Derek remembered his first bow-killed deer clearly, and said he shot all his arrows at this doe with a death wish. Licensed in NM - John D. Conger, Broker. Attachments. Licensed in SD - Ryan Schroeter, Broker, National Land Realty TN, LLC DBA National Land Realty Permits and other WMA information may be downloaded from theWildlife Management Areas webpage. Tour routes of great scenic drives on National Wildlife Refuges. Since deer season has closed I have continued to hunt for hogs in the lower delta. If you do not receive an email from us, please check your spam folder. Waterfowl, big game, and small game hunting . Licensed in OR - Darren Goodding, Broker. Some information is provided by an MLS listed below or the consumers' personal, non-commercial use and may not Good morning. It was Jan. 7 of. liability insurance, which is required of all hunting clubs. Glynn Harris is a long-time outdoor writer from Ruston. Licensed in DE - Judy Allen, Broker. 1 Acres, 0 Oak Bayou, Bay Minette, AL 36507 | Land and Farm Berry said he looks forward to a good season this year, although he admits to never having a bad one in Tensas. Moreau explained that, once they find a new area to hunt in the refuge, it usually takes a couple of years to refine stand locations for the precision needed for bow hunting.