Drop us a line at info[at]flocabulary.com, 10 Activities to celebrate the end of the school year, Whats new with Flocabulary Plus: April 2023, How music supports teaching social and emotional learning skills, 5 Activities to celebrate William Shakespeares birthday, Top 12 educational videos to use in your classroom, 5 Reasons to Upgrade Your Flocabulary Subscription. Native American history can be an interesting conundrum for many teachers since it can be difficult to find the voice of native people over the abundant voice of white people speaking for, or about, Native Americans, often with misguided interpretations. the capital of Tecumseh's confederacy of Native Americans and the site of the Battle of Tippecanoe in 1811. You've got the pronunciation of Tecumseh right. They then answer text-dependent questions, building skills needed for high-stakes testing. With our new analytics dashboards, you can now gain insight into Flocabularys impact on their students word exposure and word practice, as well as how students perform on vocabulary words across subjects, schools, grades, and classes. For the following item, cross out any word that has an error in capitalization and correctly write the word above it. a. natural killer cells b. complement c. cytotoxic T cells d. helper T cells, the hardened remains of a living thing that died long ago, describes a group of living things that is no longer living (examples: dinosaurs, mammoths, saber tooth cats), An animal that eats both plants and animals. As students complete more lessons, both assigned and independently, you can view the number of exposures to vocabulary words students have had across the curriculum, providing insight into where Flocabulary is implemented across departments and highlighting opportunities for growth. Word Up Grade 7: Level Yellow. At what value of yPy_PyP do the rays have the minimum possible phase difference? Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a77607c90c68702492b1d1f8b94e14d6" );document.getElementById("a64740df50").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Want to find a Flocabulary unit with Read & Respond to use with your students? Today, descendent tribes are active in Oklahoma. It's pretty hard to rhyme with "Sarkozy." So the first option we have is using slant rhyme. He was known as a strong and eloquent orator and promoter of tribal unity, who led his people to make significant sacrifices in their attempts to repel the Americans from Native American lands. Log in or This new addition to Read & Respondalso provides the perfect opportunity for students to experience the higher-order thinking skills that are essential to the 21st century learners toolkit. a battle of the War of 1812 that took place in 1813. Rate the pronunciation difficulty of Tecumseh. Test-Taking Vocabulary Flocabulary Answers 2023 [FREE Access] Civil War Flocab | American History Quiz - Quizizz You can try again. any period of time during which glaciers (ice) covered a large part of the earth's surface, which caused many animals to become extinct, scientist who learns about past human life by studying artifacts and remains like fossils.