To get into the math, in 30s with a 2.7s speed weapon you are getting 4.8 extra swings. Otherwise, kill him and loot the chest. Open Cheap shot get SND up stuff dies way to fast to be messing around with deadly and bleed damage. You might want to proof-read your comments before posting them. Patch 2.1.0 (2007-05-22): Poisons: The difficulty of dispelling these is now based off the level of the player, not the level of the weapon the poison is applied to. After completing [24]Klaven's Tower, the second quest in the chain, you will gain the ability to buy poisons. : Each strike has a 30% chance of poisoning the enemy, slowing their movement speed by 70% for 12 sec. Simply browse for your screenshot using the form below. It's a rogue only profession that works similar to alchemy. If your argument is 15-30s isnt enough time to get value out of SND, then you would never get value out of SND in raids or otherwise because thats how long it lasts in either location. For example, I (Sbkzor) play with Wound as the default OH and Crippling as the second OH. The OP is choosing to level sub. The wound is the second priority unless the enemy has no healing source (like the popular RM team composition for example) which allows you to use the poison your feel is most useful for the situation. Of course, in arenas, targets might be able to get it abolished by their partners. You dont have the benefit of huge white damage with Sub like you do with Combat. In Patch 4.0.1 the ability to dispel enrage effects was built into Shiv, making this poison obsolete. Rogue Detailed Poison Guide for PvP, Raiding & Leveling Did I mention that every required material to create poisons can be purchased from a vendor? Head back to Master Mathias Shaw in Stormwind. Typically, the first question asked by beginners is which poison should I use for PvP and on which weapon? The question has multiple answers, but well explore the general case first. If you play on The Burning Crusade, you probably know that a significant aspect of rogues gameplay relies on Poison management. Poisons are the most unique profession in the game due to their limited availability, purpose, and ease of leveling. If you play on The Burning Crusade, you probably know that a significant aspect of rogues gameplay relies on Poison management. Because your poisons level cap is dictated by your character level, youll more than likely reach the skill cap at some point during each level. You arent going to have 5/5 sunders up. How to skill poisons up on my TBC Rogue ? Your goal as a Combat Rogue is to maintain 100% uptime on. If youre level 24 or higher, you can sap Klaven and open the chest without killing him. Formerly, the quest chains detailed below were required for all rogues to access Poisonsthis is no longer the case and the ability becomes available for purchase upon reaching level 10. (use /salute) Guess hes a little more careful, or a little more paranoid, than Alliance Agent Kearnen, wholl talk to any Rogue at all. It is no longer sold by common vendors, although you can still buy a non-functional version from Jeeves (likely a bug). Reduces the chance your poisons will be resisted by 10% and increases your chance to resist Poison effects by an additional 30%. The OP is asking about the best poisons to use while leveling Sub. Fast off-hand weapon speed plays a large role in your DPS, due to Combat Potency for Combat rogues and Shiv, as well as poison procs for Assassination and Subtlety. Then, head Southeast to coord. no need to kill pick pocket for the key, Sap and open chest. Poisons are created using the Poison profession which is gained through a simple quest around level 20 from the rogue class trainer. The entire premise of your argument is leaving out key mitigators that you 100% are going to have on those extra swings playing solo. Go read any guide Basically, you will Shiv a lot in arenas if you look for killing a player that receives heals. Pages in this Guide 1 Introduction 2 Spell Summary 3 Builds and Talents 4 Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities 5 Stat Priority 6 Enchants and Consumables 7 Gear and Best in Slot 8 Pre-Raid Gear 9 Tier 4 Gear 10 Tier 5 Gear 11 BT/ZA Gear As for rupture missingthe skill activation can miss. First available at level 2, poisons are a core part of the Assassination rogue and their use is required to maximize effectiveness in most situations. Unlocked at level 32. Serge is the Alchemy Trainer in the first building on the left when you come into Tarren Mills. Besides alchemy (for Flasks, Elixirs, and Potions) there are two particular professions that grant interesting if not essential consumableson Classic TBC: Leatherworking - Drums of Battle: +80 haste for you and your party members in range for 30sec. Bleeds dont miss, arent parried, or dodged. Now do the math for the 3 bleed effects and compare it to opening CS and hitting SND. Proceed to use your lockpicking skill (level 70 lockpicking required) to open Gallywixs lockbox to steal the Cache of Zanzils Altered Mixture. All finished poisons are available on vendors rather than created by the rogue. * Energy cost of shiv is calculated as follows: 20 + (10 * weapon speed) = Energy consumption.