Herman Rosenblat is a real holocaust survivor, who began writing his memoirs during the 1990s. She has told people that she is the daughter of a diplomat, and is described on the Survivors Network Web site as a senior vice president for strategic alliances for an investment think tank.. Head's real name turned out to be Alicia Esteve Head. Canada's TD Bank names CFO Riaz Ahmed head of securities unit But she didnt have to lie. The Times is widely credited with uncovering Tania Head as a fraud published its article, debunking many of the claims Head had made, including that she attended both Harvard and Stanford. Plenty of sick child scams play on this very idea. This can be evidenced after the 2001 attacks in America, with noted increases in church attendance, greater focus on family and home life, and a growth in patriotic acts such as frequent flying of the national flag. In a 9/11 Survival Tale, the Pieces Just Dont Fit, https://www.nytimes.com/2007/09/27/nyregion/27survivor.html. She claimed a degree from Harvard and employment by Merril Lynch Wealth Management. Tania Suarez. Neither Head nor Rannazzisi wrote books or sought compensation from a survivor's fund. But it was the Survivors' Network that ultimately, inadvertently, led to Head's exposure as a fraud. David S. Suarez, David Suarez, Dave Suarez Tania Head had one of the most tragic and inspiring stories to come out of the Sept. 11 attacks. Tania Head, 26, a manager on the bank's fast-track scheme, was chairing a meeting when she heard shrieks from the corridor. "Oh, Christ," his interviewer, the podcast host Marc Maron, interjected. It was the billing report for the project Dave was working on for Marsh & McLennan, something that was probably in his possession Tuesday morning. Almost everyone in the nation knew someone who could have been killed that day. I like many others have been unable to get my mind off it or think of other things.. Elsewhere, Gerry noticed that the presence of Welles Crowther in her story became increasingly pronounced as other survivors mentioned his impact. The 11th September Fake Victim - Tania Head - Documentary Tania Head, who claimed a place in the public's heart for having narrowly escaped death in the south tower of the World Trade Center "America's most famous survivor," the authors call her . My Relationship With The Fake 9/11 Survivor - HuffPost She claims she never really made any money through her deception. Kamala Harris May Be a Huge Republican Target in 2024. All such accounts offer hope of some sort, and the notion that some great other is watching out in times of need. And that was the odd thing about Head: Her amazing story was a hoax, a betrayal that caused terrible pain to the people in her life. The story she shared with people was that she had been on the 96th floor of the south tower, which was occupied by the Fiduciary Trust Company International, when the north tower was hit by the first plane at 8:46 a.m. She was up there, according to her own account, as a Merrill Lynch employee helping to close a merger between Fiduciary Trust and Franklin Resources Inc. She was on the 78th floor, waiting for an express elevator to leave the south tower, she said, when the second plane struck.