Charles obtained a B.A degree at Texas Christian University then began attending the Harvard Business School to further expand his education. Tandy - Electronic Components That might be something we can find. [24] Grid Systems was a laptop manufacturer whose products included the GRiD Compass (1982), GRiDCase (1985), GRiDLite (1987), and GRiDPad (1989) tablet computer. For around 35 years we have published our annual Jaycar Engineering Catalogue. [32] Remaining McDuff stores were closed in 1996.[33]. The 2N3906 is a common PNP bipolar junction transistor used for general purpose low-power amplifying or switching applications. Its easy to use, wont break the bank, and provides plenty of entertainment. A new company called T2 Enterprises now continues using the old T2 Retail web presence as an exclusively on-line retailer stocking a range of RadioShack products and other electronics. Tandy. manufactured audio components for a significant number of audio companies including Marantz, Grundig, Sony, Sanyo, Toshiba, Alpine, Mitsubishi, Kenwood, and Teac. 1980 Tandy Electronics - TRS-80 Model 1 Word Processing Catalog Total Views 605,849 (Older Stats), Total Items 12,534 (Older Stats), Radio Shack Metal Detector 63-3013 User Guide, Topics: manualsonline, manuals, radio_shack, Micronta 22 214 A Multitester User Manual, Tandy 1000 SL 2 Installation And Operation Manual, Radio Shack 4-CHANNEL STEREO SSM-1750 Owner's manual. Tandy - The Home of Electronics The Incredible Universe concept was Tandy's attempt to compete with other electronics giants such as Best Buy, Circuit City, and Lechmere. They are rare and hard to find in pristine condition. [25] That same year, Tandy introduced the WP-2, a solid-state notebook computer that was a rebadged Citizen CBM-10WP. [8], Tandy's market shareas high as 60% at one timeindeed declined by 1983 because of competition from the IBM PC and lack of third-party products. From all of us at Tandy - Thank you for your support! The display features both illuminated VU meters and LEDs which is very uncommon as it is usually one or the other with the exception of the Luxman M-4000 which is very rare. Bienvenuesur le Nouveau site TANDY-Electronique Accueil - Comptence - Conseil - Disponibilit - Qualit Depuis 1985, nous sommes spcialiss dans la vente et le dpannage de matriel lectronique.Un atelier technique permet de satisfaire notre clientle pour un suivi srieux du Service Aprs Vente. Imagine finding a pair of Vandersteen 2C Loudspeakers on the curb down the block from your house. There are moments when I laugh because its hard to believe RadioShack offered such an affordable turntable like this that actually sounds good. Charles continued to maintain control of managing the Tandy Leather division while owned by GAI. Learn More. Tandy also produced software for its computers running DOS, in the form of Tandy Deskmate. Druitt in the west of Sydney.[3]. 1980 Tandy Electronics - TRS-80 Microcomputer Catalogue - YouTube Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 1992/1993 Tandy Parts & Accessories Catalogue Electronics Components See Index at the best online prices at eBay! This article is about the Australian branch. Tandy was one of three companies (along with Commodore International and Apple) that started the personal computer revolution in 1977 by introducing complete pre-assembled microcomputers instead of a kit. The Realistic brand benefitted from this level of exposure to hobbyists, computer nerds, and consumers who made RadioShack one of the leading retailers of consumer electronics. Any specific model numbers for the Sherwood? Catalogue number 25-1511 Topics: radio shack, tandy, tandy1000 The silver finish makes the unit look far more expensive than it really is, and the solid metal knobs feel like they were machined with precision. . $33.00. Scrapbook. An archive of vintage Tandy Computer & RadioShack Catalogs! Items 1 - 10 of 458. A growing 'do-it-yourself movement' prompted by a shortage of consumer goods and high labor costs continued to gather momentum. Click here to find the store nearest you. Includes part number lists, logic board layouts, timing diagrams and schematics. Software programming manual for the Tandy Portable Disk Drive (TPDD) and Tandy Portable Disk Drive 2 (TPDD2), used with the Radio Shack TRS-80 Model 100, Tandy 102, and Tandy 200 portable computers. Tech. Head office contact information (Australia), 320 Victoria RdRydalmere, Sydney NSW 2116Australia, Head office contact information (New Zealand), 16-18 Fisher CrescentMt Wellington, Auckland 6037New Zealand, Toll free phone (AU): 1800 022 888Toll free phone (NZ): 0800 452 9227Toll free phone (UK): 0800 032 7241Toll free phone (USA/Canada): 1800 784 0263. VU meters have disappeared from most amplifiers; McIntosh, Yamaha, and Luxman still offer them on their products, and I know that most people who love vintage audio amplifiers almost demand this feature. In 1995, Computer City was recognized as the 2nd fastest retailer to hit $1 Billion in sales.