Tags: addiction prevention addiction psychology drug addiction prevention relapse relapse prevention What could this group achieve if everyone worked together in unity? Taking the Escalator offers a variety of free assessment and screening tools. PDF Self-Control Workbook - Psychological Mobile Services Even when troubling things happen in the news we need to keep moving forward in our own lives. The Taking the Escalator Method is focused on enhancing and sustaining these three essential qualities in the diagram (Insight, Internal Motivation and External Motivation/Support) to establish and drive the positive changes needed for inspiration and progress toward treatment and overall lifestyle goals www.takingtheescalator.com f This page is the primary source for therapy material. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. Discuss the following questions as a group, one by one: 1. What works for you? Taking the Escalator Are You Just Doing Time, or Viewing Time Wisely? adi VT Lift Escalator Consultancy posted on LinkedIn Try to come up with examples to discuss for the following two thoughts about the idea of "never, What are three things in your life right now that are at least at a "stable" point in your life (No real problems to speak of at the moment in these life areas), What have you been doing to increase stability in your life? Taking the Escalator releases brief icebreakers and group therapy modules about twice per week in the "Forum" section on the Taking the Escalator: Group Activities by Topic page of the website. Self Esteem II - More self esteem, continued Self Esteem Boost: Building Self Esteem and Increasing a Sense of Self Worth. Everyone write down a "Positive Prediction" about something that will happen in the session today. Nicole "Nikki" Tierney is a close friend of Taking the Escalator as she has worked closely with Taking the Escalator clinicians during her personal journey of recovery. Insecurity - Everyone has them, is the group ready to share them? "Life" Jeopardy by Taking the Escalator Jeopardy Template Assessing highs and lows of getting high, Labels - For lower insight levels, comparing what is using, abusing and addiction, Progress Report - Basic progress report worksheet for getting relevant discussion started, Understanding and Coping with Guilt and Shame - Similar to the other but in a different format, COD - Co Occurring Disorders - An older outline about COD's and addiction some people (LH) still like to use (Updated version on About page), Group Roles - Outline of different ways individuals may protect themselves in group settings, The Disease Concept of Addiction - Review of "symptoms" of addiction, Podcast - A Story of Recovery and Hope: Nicole Tierney, Podcast - Melissa Mackolin's Recovery Journey, Podcast - Megan Reeves "Hold On Pain Ends" with discussion questions, Guest Submissions - Please email [emailprotected] if you would like to submit an activity for the website. This is a brief icebreaker or discussion focused on the role technology plays in mental health. What are your THOUGHTS about what happened? When everyone has shared, an additional follow up question is: What is one more thing that you want to achieve in your future that exceeds your past expectations? 5/26/22 - Brief Outline for Discussing Violence in the Media. Positive predictions only (No insults or hurtful ideas such as: "So and so is going to cry in group today" or "So and so used again") - Instead try to predict something encouraging, helpful or interesting in a constructive way. Examples provided to get group started. The Mirror of Awareness -Using the Group as a Mirror - Academia.edu Its Okay Podcast - Topic: Opioid Addiction - Audio/Visual Version (Facebook Live), "Strategy List for Families" via Facebook Live video, Supported Employment: Caring for the Whole Person - Interview with Supported Employment Specialist Ayla Fleming LCSW, Understanding Insight and Motivation for Positive Change, Treatment Videos - Interviews for individuals and families inquiring about seeking substance use/co-occurring treatment, The Ideal Vs. Assessing highs and lows of getting high, Labels - For lower insight levels, comparing what is using, abusing and addiction, Perspective Shifts for Positive Growth- VIDEO LINK: Perspective Shifts for Positive Growth, Point of View Adjustment - Looking at other viewpoints to gain awareness, Taking a Trip to the Other Side - Again exploring insight and motivation building from new perspectives. Unlike the. 6/1/22 - Icebreaker: "The Old Soul in Me". The connection between music and emotional memories can be very powerful. How are you living your life differently as a result of these experiences? You should be receiving an order confirmation from Paypal shortly. S.F.'s empty $2.2B transit center echoes city's declining downtown Icebreaker question: When you stare into a vast expanse like the night sky filled with stars or the ocean, what are some of the thoughts that come into your mind during those deep moments? READ: To Control or Not to ControlIs that the Question? What is Self-Honesty and Why is it So Important? Relapse prevention triggers: Beyond people, places and things Taking the Escalator needs you - Click here to see how you can support - (It won't cost you a cent), Finally a New Way to Combat the Opioid Epidemic, Alternative Counseling & Recovery Coaching Tools. 50 Free Mental Health Worksheets & Handouts - mind remake project April 29, 2023 at 6:00 a.m. EDT. - Examining the Pros and Cons, Mind on Mental Health (Podcast), has an engaging host and knowledgeable speakers on MH topics, Understanding and Coping with Mood Swings, 14 Character Traits that are Essential for Sustaining Internal Motivation, Decreasing the Negative & Increasing the Positive - (Love the Good, Hate the Bad), Dissecting the Heart - Enhanced internal motivation building, Flammable Areas - Early stage insight and motivation building, From the Heart- VIDEO LINK: From the Heart, READ - Getting Started - (What Do I Do? Everyone has some kind of story where they were on a path in a direction that was not working for them and they were able to somehow turn it around and get moving in the right direction. 37 views, 1 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Taking the Escalator: Taking the Escalator - Addiction Group Therapy Tools that are Super, man! Unity - the state of being united or joined as a whole. Check out the free articles on this site to better your counseling skills using the Taking the Escalator Method which is designed to be effective with challenging clients who may not be ready to change, This page has amazing stuff for counselors including educational powerpoints on Evidence-based treatment practices as well as quick links to important sites including where to find treatment anywhere in the US, This page has resources including group therapy materials as well as educational materials and presentations specific to Trauma, Taking the Escalator offers a variety of free assessment and screening tools.