The largest fragments are reduced and temporary fixed with K-wires. Organize in-house training events for your surgical staff, Hand Distal phalanges revision published. Monoaxial locking plate system for treating proximal tibia fractures. Injury 31 (2000) S-D7-13. In addition, FiberTape. Durepair is a registered trademark of TEI Biosciences Inc.DuraGen is a registered trademark of Integra Lifesciences CorporationDuraMatrix-Onlay PLUS and DuraMatrix Suturable are trademarks of Collagen Matrix, Inc.DuraMatrix-Onlay and DuraMatrix are registered trademarks of Collagen Matrix, Inc.DuraMatrix-Onlay PLUS, DuraMatrix Suturable, DuraMatrix-Onlay and DuraMatrix are manufactured by Collagen Matrix, Inc., Oakland, New Jersey USA. Shoulder, Resources Treating patella fractures with a locking patella plate - first Variable Angle Locking Anterior Patella Plates (2.7 mm) Further customization through contouring of the plate onto the bone may be performed before placing the screws. Cementless total knee arthroplasty (TKA) with Triathlon Tritanium is the latest evolution in the Triathlon knee portfolio. Note the extensive multifragmentary fracture pattern on the AP. 0000042563 00000 n The same patient with the lateral image demonstrating multiple plates and the best possible articular reconstruction for this multifragmentary fracture. This clinical picture is in the middle of the operating procedure. 18 43 All other trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners or holders. Adherus and Adherus ET are the only FDA-approved hydrogel dural sealant with a patent pendingAutoSpray applicator with internal air pump. Plate, fixation, bone (50) Prosthesis, Ankle, Uncemented, Non-Constrained (44) Screw, fixation, bone (42) . Simple Fractures - Core, 3-hole, and 6-hole plates may be used, based on fracture complexity. This procedure is normally performed with the patient in a supine position with the knee flexed 30. 1. Functional outcomes of revision osteosynthesis after failure of surgical treatment of patellar fractures. Patellar fixation is generally quite stable. FiberTape, 2 mm with Braided Polyblend Suture Blue with Straight Needle, Low Profile Screw, Cannulated, Blunt Tip, 4 x 24 mm, Low Profile Screw, Cannulated, Blunt Tip, 4 x 26 mm, Low Profile Screw, Cannulated, Blunt Tip, 4 x 28 mm, Low Profile Screw, Cannulated, Blunt Tip, 4 x 30 mm, Low Profile Screw, Cannulated, Blunt Tip, 4 x 32 mm, Low Profile Screw, Cannulated, Blunt Tip, 4 x 34 mm, Low Profile Screw, Cannulated, Blunt Tip, 4 x 36 mm, Low Profile Screw, Cannulated, Blunt Tip, 4 x 38 mm, Low Profile Screw, Cannulated, Blunt Tip, 4 x 40 mm, Low Profile Screw, Cannulated, Blunt Tip, 4 x 42 mm, Low Profile Screw, Cannulated, Blunt Tip, 4 x 44 mm, Low Profile Screw, Cannulated, Blunt Tip, 4 x 46 mm, Low Profile Screw, Cannulated, Blunt Tip, 4 x 48 mm, Low Profile Screw, Cannulated, Blunt Tip, 4 x 50 mm, Low Profile Screw, Cannulated, Blunt Tip, 4 x 55 mm, Low Profile Screw, Cannulated, Blunt Tip, 4 x 60 mm.