I'm using the eliminator and I am pressing button 1 and 3 before connected like the site says but all is does is flashes green blue and red repeatedly until I let go of the buttons. Is the use of strike pack mods bannable? Here are the steps: 1. Ensure that your antivirus/firewall/vpn is disabled and that your computer is fully updated, including all optional updates. Try the Windows driver fix HERE. Fix Your Disconnecting Strike Pack - YouTube There's no problems when you do his method CLICK THE LINK BELOW Show. I need help with my pc not detecting my stike pack, i have tried everything. But keep in mind, that you don't share your account any more. PS4 STRIKEPACK F.P.S. Dominator - Support #894 - Github I reached out to ea support to try and be proactive and received a couple of emails back but they were vague and did not answer my question - they only copied and pasted the rules of the game - which dont specially mention if strike pack mod use is illegal. what a joke. But keep in mind, that you don't share your account any more. and our :). Our computer thinks it's a mouse or something when it should be showing as storage. Its black & white.. Its cheating. StrikePack Not Being Recognized : r/StrikePack - Reddit I have a old broken strike pack but is literally in pieces but it will connect. Hello, the mod app in my PC saying not detected when I connect my strike pack with my controller and without. Uninstall and delete all device drivers. Please if you know anything else that might get it working please help me out. Hello everyone I got a FPS Strikepack for my birthday. Want to fix the \"Not Detected\" issue on Mod Central? r/StrikePack on Reddit: PC not detecting strike pack, strike pack How to fix this "not detected" : r/StrikePack - Reddit Amazon links for micro USB to USB cord:Canada: https://amzn.to/391D9xcUS: https://amzn.to/2B66g60 Links to update strike packXbox One\rhttps://collectiveminds.ca/product-tab-content/xb1-strikepack-dominator-downloadstab/\rPS4 \rhttps://collectiveminds.ca/product-tab-content/ps4-strikepack-dominator-download-tab/Song infoIntro\rDreamland by Jonas Schmidt https://soundcloud.com/jonasschmidtof\rCreative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported CC BY 3.0\rFree Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/-dreamland\rMusic promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/isFHyDleXzc\r\rOutro\rWe Are Here by Declan DP https://soundcloud.com/declandp\rLicensing Agreement: http://declandp.info/music-licensing\rFree Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/_we-are-here\rMusic promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/kNqzp11gXio Help. The cable may not be connected properly. This can be detected and could result in a ban. please help! Xbox FAQ - Collective Minds Store DS4Windows Not Detecting Controller (Official Fix) There are a few options available to you including contacting support at: support@collectiveminds.ca if you are within warranty, or purchasing a new cable from our website. I have tried all 7 of my usb ports about 100 times each. strikepack not detected - WPC Open reWASD: it should not detect the controller. unmanned aerial vehicle, Sevastopol | 3K views, 83 likes, 1 loves, 19 comments, 9 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Canadian Prepper: Russian center. Try another USB port or computer if possible. This applies to the FPS Standard 2.0 built-in MODS; the Strikepack has its own setting that handles flipped functionality. - https://www.instagram.com/fizpz#Strikepack #Detection #Fix Hello everyone, I purchased this strikepack on 12/20/20 and decided to purchase and activate the modpass subscription on 01/25/21, it was working awesome, I configured several gamepacks for destiny 2, GTA, warzone, red dead 2, just cause 4 and more with no issues from the date of purchase until 02/01/21. The line right below that should only say Strike Pack. Make sure to tick the option to delete the driver software. I was even directed by 'Courtney' on live chat to download a run as administrator .bat file and to no avail, they now tell me this issue is on my end and to try a different PC once again, but unfortunately I only have these two lol I did manage to get cmupdatetool to recognize the device only if I held down both buttons and paddles on the dominator, however I'm currently on version 2.0.7 and there's no other firmware to chose, so nothing happens?