It may not display this or other websites correctly. Im sure there are customer service horror stories for every single company, but it seems in this case that PebbleTec has the superior reputation when it comes to customer service. PebbleTec also offers a variety of pebble finishes as well. NPT offers both a Standard 10 Year Limited Warranty and a Lifetime Limited Warranty. We have been doing a lot of brushing. StoneScapes Mini Pebble, Puerto Rico Blend Small and Touch of Glass, With over 300,000 members, TFP is the largest and most influential pool & spa website on the Internet. "A pebble placed in cement is just that, a pebble placed in cement.". PRODUCT INTENDED FOR USE IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARDS ESTABLISHED BY THE NATIONAL PLASTERERS COUNCIL. Houzz nutzt Cookies und hnliche Technologien, um Ihre Benutzererfahrung zu personalisieren, Ihnen relevante Inhalte bereitzustellen und die Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu verbessern. Want to Get a Swimming Pool? With Black Mini Pebble, you can pretty much forget about keeping the water clean as it transmits, pretty much, nothing. NOTE ALL TERMS, PROVISIONS, AND CONDITIONS OF THE LIMITED WARRANTY ARE SET FORTH IN THE LIMITED WARRANTY DOCUMENT. Rich pigments to achieve brilliant shades of water color. Any new postings here are unlikely to be seen or responded to by other members. I am considering putting in a shallow play pool. Yeah, there's not as much dust with pebble finishes. However when the actual product was applied it turns out the real aqua white is a completely different color then Pool companys sample at the design center. Purchase "Taking Care of Your Pool DVD" from the National Plasterers Council here. pH should be reduced to between 7.2 and 7.6 by adding pre-diluted Muriatic Acid. Hi everyone, this is the Aqua Blue Stonescapes Mini Pebble - interior pool finish from NPT (National Pool Tile). Ok, the startup folks the Stonescape plaster recommended is $850 to do the startup. Fill the pool to the middle of the skimmer or specified water level without interruption as rapidly as possible with clean, drinkable water to help prevent a bowl ring. Local company will add Butech (sp?) Black. The plasterers put acid on the plaster and then filled . Brush the entire pool surface thoroughly at least twice daily to remove all plaster dust. You paid enough it shoud be right! The biggest downside is the cost. Dolphin is one of the leading names when it comes to robotic pool cleaners. What is my recourse? As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. 2023 Pool Corporation, All Rights Reserved. I see patches of stone with no cream and patches with cream. 2) Once the Total Alkalinity has been adjusted to 80 PPM and the pH adjusted to 7.2 to 7.6, adjust the Calcium Hardness to a minimum of 150 PPM. NPT offers 6 distinct pool finish brands: JewelScapes, StoneScapes, QuartzScapes, PolishedScapes, ColorScapes and PlasterScapes. StoneScapes Micro Pebble is the smoothest pebble NPT StoneScapes has to offer. The JewelScapes finish offers beauty, strength, durability, etch resistance, and ease of maintenance. StoneScapes is a formulated pool finish system which utilizes naturally occurring quartz pebble, specialty aggregates, high quality pigment formulations, and white Portland cement to create a pool finish that represents the best that mother nature has to offer, enhanced by advanced technologies. These advantages make PolishedScapes an excellent finish for a commercial and private pool environment. The first is that the stones were not floated and washed enough to get all of the stones up to the surface.