2,520. Classic gear: Paul Cochrane Timmy | Guitar World Mimic, HSH to SSS and SSH (board little Mind). MXR Timmy Overdrive review | Guitar World For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. EUR Suzuki f8b specs. Everyone gets a Klon because it's mystical and hard to get, and they use it as a clean boost, which I don't understand. After all, its all too easy to throw some pedals into the mix and find that, even with top-shelf effects, your tone becomes bloated, oversaturated and uninspiring. That doesnt mean its not a good pedal, but its a good thing to know before you buy it. For what you're doing, stacking a boost ahead of your Klon-type might be all you need. So, the Big Muff doesn't have any mid frequency peak at all. Match the volume control so the level is the same when the pedal is engaged/disengaged. All drive pedals have an inherent sound and EQ curve. I use a JHS Morning Glory V4 but you've got options. i own and opereate a recording studio, people pay me to listen to music too- what the {censored} is your point here? some people like to stack them though. Might not be the awnser that you are expecting , but do you have a good amp? For example, if your fuzz pedal sounds best to you with the gain set high, treat it like a heavier-gain pedal. Does anyone stack their klone (I'm looking into the ARC EFFECTS one) into a timmy? 1995-2022 Harmony Central, Inc. All rights reserved. Clavey paddle sports petaluma blvd s petaluma ca. Stacking Overdrive Pedals | Reverb Pedal Tricks - YouTube I use a TC Electronic Spark clean boost as the first pedal into my ODs. Next up is a fun one. So the VLSDM stayed on my "light" board. Next up, take two boost pedals-- doesn't matter what they are --and combine them. Now, this one is really cool, and in some cases, it's a non-negotiable. Then theres The Pearl by T1M and The Browne Amplification Protein, which has a Bluesbreaker-style circuit (similar to the Morning Glory) into a Nobles-style circuit, which is a type of Screamer Klon. IMHO the timmy sounds like a good pedal (not what Im looking for in a boosting/od effect) the KLON sounds like its part of your amp.. paul cochrane makes some nice gear man- had the tim (which is just a timmy with an effects loop).. the KoT gets alot farther that the tim got me in all aspects.. the klon is not worth the 6-7 they are going for on ebay but they are worth the 344 that bill sells . I have both & they are completely different. Do your homework before buying. A clean boost can be used as gain boost in front of an overdrive pedal or a volume boost if placed after. Start low, and then add gain listen to how the EQ and the compression shifts. Long story short, you put these two pedals together, and you get the one amp to rule them all. As you can see (or more importantly, HEAR), stacking drive pedals is a great way to expand your tonal potential. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Happy stacking! See signal flow here in attached PNG. Luxe bidet neo 120. This has gobs of delay options. Even in the simplest rigs, there are a lot of considerations. If youve never tried to stack drive pedals, you owe it to yourself to give it a shot. I really like my TS into my OCD. Have you ever used more than one distortion pedal at a time? In truth, just about any low-gain, gently mid-focused boost or drive pedal should do the job in this scenario if set up correctly. It's also an inspiring creative exercise. JavaScript is disabled. The last combination may be the best because it's the most rambunctious. Basically, that means the bass, mid, and treble are even across the board (also called transparent overdrive), so it makes your guitar a bit more broken up without coloring the actual sound. Power Your Creativity . To learn more about our cookie policy, please visit our Privacy Policy. Super reasonable pricing. OCD stacking | Fender Stratocaster Guitar Forum Originally produced by Bill Finnegan between 1994 and 2000, getting your hands on one of the original units could set you back over 1,000. OD pedal to pair with Timmy | Z-Talk - ProBoards Does the character of the pedal change? Use a lot of subs, like 75% sub octave and a little bit of high octave, which helps replicate the OT-10 setting. 6,400 B () LTD. SNAKEBYTE SE Baritone (See Thru Purple Sunburst) 42,000 B () unknown. This could not be further from the truth, however. This is a shredding machine. In terms of economy and sheer possibility, one of the most exciting aspects of drive pedals is their ability to be stacked. Stacking Klon, Timmy, Ts808hw and Keeley Katana | The Gear Page Someone needs to reverse engineer that bad boy. Ibanez TS9 Tube Screamer Reissue - musical instruments - by owner Oh I'm not purchasing the insanely priced Klon, will wait for the new one being released this year. Know What You Have, Decide What You Need Next. The Caverns by Robert Keely has a modulating reverb setting and a delay. Item location: Tacoma, Washington, United States. Of course, there are times when total cacophony may be exactly what youre looking for. My current set up is a fender player series strat (MIM) into a 65 deluxe reverb reissue. It's rich, it's thick, it's all the things you love about the Big Muff, but it's just stronger and better. Its just music. I stack OD's all the time. I also use an Xotic EP boost for stacking. There is a clear top-end chime and warmth in the midrange. If you want to add another tone to your board, look for pedals that will complement the tones you already have. That said, it's a great, versatile pedal. fender original tele 50s, 24 59 . I'm a true fan of stacking overdrives. The Blucoil 9V 670mA Power Supply is ready to rock with your favorite BOSS, Dunlop, Line 6, LR Baggs, MXR, Nobels, NUX, Orange Amps, Peterson, TC Electronic, Xotic, and Zoom effects pedals. Reactions: snarf. Some pedals sound better turned up or driving your amp harder. Hey! Timmy is used by itself for a crunchier sound than Klon. Private Music Rehearsal Studio for Sale in Los Angeles, CA - OfferUp Do the same with the Volume control while adjusting the Gain to different settings. Both the pedals I used in the demo have tap tempo, which I feel is necessary because it lets me chain these together. Amazon.com: Blucoil 9V 670mA Power Supply with Slim US Plug AC Adapter Check those out. Set the octave up with about 50% dry signal, if you have that option. Just be sure if you're using a multi-effect delay or reverb that it does let you stack multiple delays.