St. Monica Catholic School Preschool (3) - 8th Grade 4140 Walnut Hill Lane Dallas, TX 75229 P (214) 351-5688 F (214) 352-2608 The inspection report highlights the staff's pride at working . 713-343-3333 x1104, Employee and applicant matters: Complaints regarding website accessibility may be submitted through the Public Complaint process outlined in Board Policy PG-1.12 (Public Complaints). MEHMET ARGIN, Click here for more information about Harmony Public Schools Board of Directors, School of Science - El Paso (Middle/High). St. Monica Academy is one of the few schools in the country to be recognized as a Catholic Education Honor Roll School by the Cardinal Newman Society. SchoolDash - St Monica Primary School All staff are committed to ensuring that our pupils' childhood prepare them for lifelong learning, achievement and growth. We use cookies to collect information about how you use this website. Teaching Assistant - St Monica's Catholic Primary School The Gardens, Vaughan Road, Harrow, Middlesex, HA1 4EL, Church Green, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 2TP, Get a job alert when similar jobs are listed. stream . {Rnz^muk6-ncdfO5d$5MDQ vBAW@An" I7wY*b=PT)tq f=a|T School Newspaper; St Monica's Mascot 2022; Newsletters . St Monica's Catholic Primary School Milton Keynes Responses for this school: 0. Please explain what you expected to happen, and what actually happened. Changes were also made to the way school and college (and therefore also Multi Academy Trust) performance measures were calculated. Inspection report: St Monica Primary School 8-9 October 2019 7 The Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (Ofsted) regulates and inspects to achieve excellence. and We'd also like to use analytics cookies so we can understand how you use the service and make improvements. If you're interested in teaching or training to teach in England as an international citizen, we can, St Monica's Roman Catholic Primary School, London, N1 6QN, St Monica's Roman Catholic Primary School website (opens in new tab), (opens in new tab). St. Monica School . Pupils included in the 2021/22 school, college and multi-academy trust (MAT) performance measures will have had uneven disruption to their learning. Inspection of a good school: St Monica s Roman Catholic - Ofsted Copyrights 2023 All Rights Reserved by Harmony Public Schools. Ofsted rating, pupil absence and other details. The Texas Transition and Employment Guide provides youth, young adults, parents and professionals with secondary transition resources to facilitate a young persons progress towards post-secondary goals to education, employment, and community living. Ofsted encourages parents to share their views about their child's school. Bright Academy features: Spanish language enrichment for all students in grades K-5. A fully supportive team and leadership, excellent CPD, and a real At St Monica Primary we believe that sport and more pertinently, participation in sport, supports the development of all of our children not physically, but mentally and socially. UPDATED ****** Phase Leader******* - St Monica's Catholic Primary But I think the most formative part of my education has probably already happened. Teacher of KS2 - St Monica's Roman Catholic Primary School EYFS & KS1:8:40am - 3:00pm (registration is at 8:50am) (31 hours and 40 minutes), KS2:8:30am - 3:10pm (registration is at 8:40am) (33 hours and 20 minutes). St Monica's Catholic Primary School Milton Keynes Headteacher's Welcome Robert O'Malley Headteacher Welcome to our Catholic school community which is glad to serve the richly diverse community of Milton Keynes. For example . 3 0 obj By the same measure, progress score rank the school in the top 28% of schools. 5178 ANGELINETRUDELL President 214-351-5688 ext. 214-351-5688 ext. 5178. 5175. Information such as headteacher's name, school website, address, location on the map, gender, age-range and school type also typically take 1 to 2 months to be updated here after first being updated, by the school, in Get information about schools . We are very happy to continue to be a great school. Montrose, CA 91020, graduation rate and acceptance rate into top 4-year universities or college, passage rate on AP English Literature, AP Chemistry, AP Latin, and AP Physics 1*, St. Monica Academy 2021 / All Rights Reserved. contact the Department for Education This link opens in a new window. Here you can find the most recent data for school performance in the national assessments. and have difficulty accessing information on the Harmony website, please contact HPS Webmaster by email You can read the full report by clicking here. 5950 Geary Blvd, San Francisco, CA 94121. All content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0, except where otherwise stated, Open help text for Academy sponsor led opens a popup, Open help text for Ofsted rating opens a popup, Open help text for Not applicable opens a popup, Open help text for Financial information opens a popup, Open help text for Get information about schools opens a popup, Open help text for Download data 2015-2018 opens a popup, Find school and college performance data in England, Print full information about this school/college.