Monthly Calendar. ST. MONICA CATHOLIC CHURCH2001 N. Western Avenue,Edmond, OK 73012-3447, Office hours: Monday-Friday - 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.Telephone (405) 359-2700, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Adult Formation Courses for Summer/Fall 2022. St. Monica Catholic Church 9933 Midway Road, Dallas, Texas 75220 214-358-1453 (phone) . Phone Number St. Monica, We can help, simply fill in the form and well get back to you. St. Monica Parish Please email items to Kendra McGee( at the church office by the deadline of Wednesdays at noon. Immersed in Christ. Office: 314-434-2173. It is free to all couples, dinner and wine provided. St. Monica Church is a vibrant and welcoming parish in the heart of the 19th Ward in Rochester, NY. Bulletin. Newsletter. Thomas W. Wyrsch Do you have questions, comments or thoughts about what Rev. A community that worships God by encouraging the faithful to attend Mass and to actively participate in all parish liturgies. endobj
1/155. Families of the parish: Please bring a meatless soup to share on Friday April 1st. St. Monica Parish Roman Catholic Church in Sussex, NJ. All Rights Reserved. If you are here for the first time or if you've been attending for a long time, we want you to know you are invited, accepted, and loved here! St. Monica Catholic Church 501 North Street Converse, Texas 78109-1209 (210) 658-3816 Thomas W. Wyrsch 3/16/2022 at 7:00pm. Powered by . /mass-times _self. <>
Sunday, April 30, 2023. Sunday Bulletin 04/16/2023. 317-253-2193 Contact Us. Resources for the community. Saint Monica Parish - 2422 S. 17th St. Philadelphia, PA 19145 St. Edmond: 10 AM Office: 314-434-2173. endobj
St. Monica Parish | Chicago, IL Our speaker for the evening will be Mike Maggio, advisor with the Knights of Columbus and parishioner. Saturday, April 22, 2023. hundreds of hours of FREE Catholic Media! and The Fire of the Holy Spirit. A community that seeks to strengthen family life as a privileged locale for encountering God and encouraging parents to continue that encounter through the parochial school and a Catholic secondary school. Sunday Bulletin 3/19/2023. Knights of Columbus membership not required. Here at St. Monica, we have many diverse opportunities to help you do just that! "Old Testament prophecies, messianic expectations, biblical symbolism, and historical context shed light on the mystery of Christ's suffering and death. Come enjoy a night out and learn about planning for an extended care situation. St. Monica: 6:30 AM Mon-Fri (only when school in session) & 8:30 AM Mon-Sat. St. Monica: 6:30 AM Mon-Fri (only when school in session) & 8:30 AM Mon-Sat, Holy Days Nina Bono. Bulletin - St. Monica, St. Slyvester, St. Cecilia & St. Frances Cabrini We are a collaborative of Roman Catholic parishes of the Archdiocese of Boston (Massachusetts). The St. Monica Knights of Columbus are hosting a parish wide couples night on May 21st from 6:00 to 8:00 PM in the Parish Hall. <>
Min. Get our publications emailed to you as soon as they're available! Sign up receive future communication from the parish and the diocese. Inspired by our patroness, St. Monica, we pray that all may become children of heaven. Current Bulletin Apr 30, 2023 Bulletin Archive Apr 23, 2023 Apr 16, 2023 Apr 9, 2023 . Ed specializes in the latest retirement planning strategies and opportunities for 2022. Religious Education: 215-334-1659 A free version of Acrobat Reader is available from Adobe. PARISH OFFICES (978) 683 - 1193. <>
We therefore commit ourselves to be: We implore the blessing of Almighty God, through the intercession of Mary Immaculate, our Mother, and through Saint Monica, our patroness. "(E/!T8"r:2ntZYwp?"xwDhvs1-s6RA1+i, 4A6zi)8`&.`9,54T^$y{zM'\QR$P/' P="y(jXN{ !6{lE^BcN'`;Uke'O}sZIV2FML/ Catholic | St. Monica Catholic Church | Mishawaka 5681 North Santa Monica Boulevard, Whitefish Bay, WI, 53217, United States. endobj
Pro-Life Day: Archbishop Machado presides over the Holy Eucharist, Archbishop Machado Inaugurates State Level Seminar organized by the Conference of Catholic Colleges, Chrism Mass: Archbishop urges priests to become Salt of the Earth, 2021ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ARCHDIOCESE OF BANGALORE (ARCHDIOCESAN COMMUNICATION CENTER) | DESIGNED & MAINTAINED BY.