He was a ships carpenter moved to Medford where their children were born. Share this memorial using social media sites or email. "St. John Southworth." St. John Southworth - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online Wainewright, J. Lets get to the bottom line. See Terms of Use for details. Source: Private Transcription. 5 Nov 1898 RCK, d. 8 Nov 1952 Laurel Co., KY, md. 1702 or 05 Hempstead LI, d. about 1790 Lincoln County, NC, m. Phebe Totten 1730, Isaac Southard b. WebTop record matches for (St.) John Southworth Henry Southworth found in The General Armory of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales Henry Southworth found in England, Lived in Duxbury. Born 1602 in Samlesbury, Lancashire, England Ancestors Daughter of John Southworth and Jane (Sherburne) Southworth Sister of Elizabeth Southworth, Adam Southworth, John Southworth, Thomas Southworth and Elizabeth Southworth Wife of James Martin married 30 May 1616 in Preston, Lancashire, England [children unknown] m. Elizabeth Hull, Thomas William Southard b 1810 OH m Guly Long, Edna Augusta Southard b 1841? Youll get hints when we find information about your relatives . Its time to let a simple, painless DNA test provide the answers. [3] From 1640 and 1654 he continued his clandestine ministry. Use Escape keyboard button or the Close button to close the carousel. [2]. With one single test, you can discover your genetic origins and find family you never know you had. of Westby, who m. Mary, daughter of. Mr. Thomas Southworth who arrived in Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1623 aboard the ship "Anne" with Alice Southworth (nee Carpenter), Thomas Southworth, who arrived in Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1628, Constant Southworth, who landed in Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1637, E Southworth, who landed in San Francisco, California in 1850, F H Southworth, who landed in San Francisco, California in 1851, A Southworth, who landed in San Francisco, California in 1851, B Southworth, who arrived in San Francisco, California in 1851, S. C. H. Southworth, who arrived in San Francisco in 1852. of Sir Richard Assheton of Middleton, 7s. Cypress Trees Plantation Edisto Island Charleston County In that month the Privy Council let him visit Bath. He was He then addresses Sue Allans In Search of Separatist Edward Southworth of Leiden 2017 online monograph https://shop.americanancestors.org/products/in-search-of-separatist-edward-southworth-of-leiden-his-genealogical-origins-uncovered?pass-through=true argument against Leyden as Edwards correct origin as Edwards father, Thomas Southworth of Samelsbury, Lancashire was a Protestant, while Thomass father, Sir John Southworth, and two of Thomas brothers were sometime ardent Catholics variously imprisoned. Comment: My understanding is that during this period, most family members tended to practice the same faith, though there can be exceptions such as perhaps Thomas followed Protestantism to avoid being imprisoned. Try again later. Presumed Southard, Southern derived from Southard at the generation of Preston Ford Southern (1817-1878), Southwood Line, Line Leader: phil.southwood AT gmail DOT com (99566). WebSt. Connect to the World Family Tree to find out, Cause of death: Hanged, drawn and quartered - June 28 1654 - Tyburn, Westminster Cathedral, Westminster, England, United Kingdom, Westminster Cathedral, London, England (United Kingdom), People executed on order of English monarchs. [6] His corpse was sewn together and parboiled, to preserve it. By the early years of Elizabeth he was back on his Lancashire estates, and represented the county in the Parliament of 1563. 1734 Long Island, NY d: 1813 Surry County, NCm Anne? Please ensure you have given Find a Grave permission to access your location in your browser settings. Remy Lafort, S.T.D., Censor. 1590, d. London, Eng., 1621, m. Alice Carpenter, Constant Southworth b. b. Leyden, Holland, 1615, d. Duxbury, MA, 10/11 Mar 1679, m. Elizabeth Collier, William Southworth b. Duxbury, MA, 1659, d. Little Compton, RI, 25 June 1718, m.Rebecca Pabodie, Nathaniel Southworth b. For background, what drove me to seek definitive proof of Edward Southworth's ancestry is that The Order of the Crown of Charlemagne in the USA no longer considers Edward Southworth a descendant of Charlemagne based on a review of the genealogy that had been previously accepted. The Catholic Encyclopedia. John Southworth was the son of Sir Thomas Southworth of Samlesbury, knight, and his wife, Margaret Butler, the daughter of Sir Thomas Butler of Bewsey, co Lanc, knight. Are you sure that you want to delete this photo? In 1630, he was taken to London and released, along with eleven other priests at the insistence of Henrietta Maria, the French Catholic wife of Charles I. Includes the Catholic Encyclopedia, of Lancs., 1567). Brother of Elizabeth Southworth; Ann Southworth; Cicely (Southwoth) Culcheth/Culchech; Dorothy Rushton; Catherine Westby and 2 others; Margaret Southworth and Sir Thomas Southworth less. This article was transcribed for New Advent by Herman F. Holbrook. They chose to pay heavy fines rather then give up their Catholic faith.