& San Juan Road/POD hit-(Stolen Vehicle Arrest)/0859 hours/19-75038Officers responded to the above area after receiving a POD hit on a stolen Toyota Camry. Natomas Sees Spike In Home Invasions The driver has a history of 211/245, and a search of the vehicle located a large knife, flex cuffs, a taser, and a replica Glock 19. The driver of the vehicle was cited and released for 2800.1 CVC and 12500 CVC. A female in the brand new Mercedes was transported for COP to the back & head. Victims did not seeor hear anything andcanvass was negativefor witnesses or cameras. He was arrested without issue and booked at jail for a 211. It was later determined that the driver was intoxicated. / 2B. The subject complied and was taken into custody without incident. Residents of the apartment complex called in advising that a MHA was sitting in a brown Dodge van with a gun in his hand. In doing so, the victim was attacked and bitten by a pitbull that was associated to one of the homeless camps. One of the kids sustained minor injuries to his face. While officers were enroute, the caller stated that the suspect had driven behind the Wienershnitzel (845 El Camino Ave) in a smaller white 2 door vehicle. Officers were able to place male subject in a control hold and get him handcuffed. Excellent. : Officers were called to the above location after an employee at Golden State Water Co. was shot at with a pellet gun by 3-4 mbj subjects in a small black colored compact vehicle. 20-47720, Harris Ave. / Disk Dr., 148 arrest (2A). Officer attempted to contact the subj, who immediately began to yell profanities at Officer, took a fighting stance. One of the subjects was acting very 927 and was detained. The driver walked into a park nearby where he was later contacted by officers. Officer observed a male subject in the middle of the road. A contact team was set up and made entry into the apartment. P1 wasdriving S/B on Northgate when she became impatient and drove around a slower vehicle. 20-22171 / POPCON / 7600 block Valley Wind Way / 5B / 1207 Hrs. 19-403317 / 502 @ Ford & Taylor / 1936 hrs. The male was found to have two felony warrants for his arrest and taken into custody. When they got to south end of the yard, the fourth MBA exited the unlocked vehicle he had been hiding in. Investigation is ongoing. When he was able to get behind the vehicle he observed it was unoccupied and parked in the driveway of the above address. A single casing was located in the backyard. An enforcement stop was conducted and the passenger of the vehicle was found to have two felony no bail warrants and arrested. The driver failed to yield and a vehicle pursuit ensued. Officer observed a 505 vehicle in the area. During a follow-up of the investigation, R/Os were able to figure out where the gf lived, but she was not cooperative with R/Os entering the residence based on a 927s call from the night before. The gun was also located. Great follow-up and teamwork by patrol and GET officers! Officers are still looking for the female acquaintance and Twin Rivers advised they will potentially have video surveillance available tomorrow. ARDN11 was able to monitor the vehicle from the security office and provide updates. When officers identified themselves he was initially compliant and spoke to them. Officers conducted a canvas. When officers arrived on scene they found the matching description getaway F150 on the comps lawn. 19-304248 / ATTPU / 506El Camino Ave / 0632 hrs / 2C. D2 officers descended upon the area after reports of a MBA who had just robbed to elderly persons at gun point. The Acura fled w/b on W. El Camino and then n/b on Truxel Rd. 19-76378 / 459 veh / 3625 Northgate Blvd / 1309 hoursNorthgate (1C)The (Vs) were travelling thru Sacramento and pulled into the Food Co shopping center to get food and upon returning to their vehicle were victims of a window smash where property was taken. AIR 1 responded to assist as the pursuit travelled W/B 80 to Business 80 & El Camino Ave. When shown the replica firearm, the passenger that fled spontaneously stated, Its a BB gun.. There is noticeable crime, and there are times I don't feel safe. The driver wascited for driving on a suspended license and the vehicle was towed. A stolen light colored Toyota hit the pod at WB Arden and Heritage. Subject was arrested for trespassing (9.16.140(B)(1) SCC),148(A)(1) PC and 1203.2 PC. The male passenger verballyidentified himself, but he had to think about it for a long time before doing so. 19-115971 / 503B / Rollingbrook Cir / 2128 hours. Once Officers were positioned around the house they observed suspect attempt to hide on the roof of the residence. : Comp called in when he noticed a male pacing back and forth in the apartments parking lot with his hands down his pants. Knowing that Aranda did not live there, Ofc. Fortunately, the only human injury was a general complaint of pain to a 9 year old passenger in the van. : PD received several calls at this intersection regarding a hit and run, with a motorcyclist down. Please see the below link to further research your area: This information is provided so you can have a timely snapshot of significant events in our community. 23% Also located was 4.5 ounces of meth, baggies, and $1330 in cash. Two firearms were stolen. There is certainly SOME violent crime in Downtown/Midtown but the majority of it is centered around nightife. 19-378886 / SSTOP / 400 El Camino / 1523 hrs / 2C. Impact was contacted and a they assisted with a hotel voucher for the female and her child. Suspect forced entry via glass break at Cosmo Prof and stole several items. K98 arrived to assist and the driver was taken into custody without incident. As the vehicle existed Bradshaw, Officers attempt to conduct a felony vehicle stop but the vehicle failed to yield and a pursuit ensued. Officers responded to a 3 round Shotspotter activation at XXXX Empress St. A citizen caller advised that the shots were fired at XXXX Empress St. NGET officers arrived on scene first and observed two subjects hanging out in front of XXXX Empress St. He was arrsted on his warrant and narcotic paraphenalia. Suspects entered the Metro PCS store on Arena and committed a takeover robbery.