This Solar Eclipse launches a period of letting go, reviewing, and recharging your spiritual or emotional batteries, dear Taurus. When eclipses aspect your natal Sun, you are thrust into the starring role, or must fight to reclaim it. Maybe I should be more cautious on 2nd thought! While were heading into unknown territory in some ways, we have a good sense that were doing so to our advantage. Refrain from pushing for clarity, and it will come! Moon conjunct Venus maximum orb 800. You have more impact on others than usual, so use this time in the spotlight well and avoid hasty moves. A crisis of sorts (which can be a crisis of consciousness) or sudden awareness of a lack in our lives provides us with a golden opportunity to explore our emotional needs within the context of the house polarity where the eclipse occurs in our natal charts. The first eclipse, 19 years earlier, taught me to be a mother. Still, the news of those changes often comes as a shock. The harmonious aspect to Pluto will help to deepen our interpersonal connections and find greater meaning in our personal contacts. Make sure youre not demanding too much of yourself in the long runyou will not always have this much drive, and you dont want to peter out because you cant keep up with yourself. These things are beginning to evolve, and this eclipse gets the ball rolling. Let me give you a visual idea of what I mean. If this Lunar eclipse forms a conjunction (aligns with) a planet in your chart, you may feel its intensity more than others. A Sun sign horoscope uses a Solar Chart as its base. It means all possibilities are on the table, and you can rightly put yourself at the forefront of new plans for the future. Making nice with people in high places, teachers, bosses, and parents can figure strongly. Its essential to be patient so that things can unfold naturally. Total LUNAR Eclipse 2019 January 21 0:15:58 0 Leo 52, Total SOLAR Eclipse 2019 July 2 15:16:06 The intensity of Pluto can then be channeled into achievement, overcoming difficulties, and creative and artistic work. Full Moons are always helpful for magnifying pre-existing problems so that we can see where to bring back balance. A new creative project might begin now. Its common to feel tuckered out around the time of an eclipse, after which your energy increases. This Solar Eclipse falls in your sign, dear Aries, and it helps pave the way toward significant individual changes in the weeks and months. If you know an astrologer, be sure the eclipse is friendly to the natal planets in your unique chart. It is called a hybrid solar eclipse, the rarest, most intriguing, and arguably the most globally spectacular and interesting type of solar eclipse there is. [1] It is seen as a partial, annular total solar eclipse at different times and places. Lunation (or New Moon and Full Moon) charts have been used by Mundane Astrologers for many centuries. While a New Moon lasts for four weeks, the effects of a Solar Eclipse last nearly six months. Everyone should take care and know which natal planet will be aspected from the eclipse planet. Recognizing your limitations in terms of how much you can give to others and how much compassion and understanding you can show is essential now. Its time to compromise and negotiate. Having said that, eclipses tend to get truth to the surface very fast, like a geyser of water forcefully rising to the surface. Be sure to pace yourself, and dont jump into something without thinking. With this total eclipse occurring in your social sector, you become more acutely aware of your position in life within the context of the group rather than through self-centered focus.