All rights reserved. Scan this QR code to download the app now,, * Added a verbose mode for more information. Insemination can be achieved automatically with an MCM option, through additional mods such as Flower Girls or SexLab, or by using the debug MCM menu when the woman is selected in your crosshairs. I *did* just have a script incompatibility issue, but I saw that was related to BBLS SKSE and will roll it back as per recommendation. required by Fertility Mode v3 fixes and Tweaks. Fertility Mode - Page 294 - File topics - The Nexus Forums Remove ALL ads (Including pop-ups) by getting a membership. * Excluded ghosts from mother and father tracking. * Modified the fertility potion to induce ovulation for its duration. The ads help support this community. Copied from one of his comments the Private API in Lactis for the Colostrum Effect), or from a publicly available source with credit to the original author (ex. Any code/API usage that I have made has either been with the mod author's permission (ex. * Added an exclusion check for spouses in the automated random insemination. If either of those are in your journal then you need to reload a save from before that (before you've taken a preg test or had the waking up scene), otherwise their quests will broken and unfixable. Added a quest stage for Ysolda's quest to account for if a required character is dead. Added a quest for Serana. * Added NetImmerse and NiOverride scaling. * Simplified cycle configuration so users only need to select the length of the cycle. Archived post. Racemenu/NiOverride When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Fertility Mode at Skyrim Nexus - Mods and Community All rights reserved. Fertility Mode: Gamig's Skyrim Mod Review - YouTube * Added a volume control for labor and baby sounds. if so which version has allowed proper tracking to take place :o. * Modified the tracking MCM to add more filters (all, ovulating, pregnant, and player only). i do however have Sexlab Seperate Orgasm and started a new game with V1.56. Taking those suggestions into consideration, as well as lessons learned in the precursor mod, I finished the core mod and published it last night. * Added baby sounds for the player when a baby item is equipped. * Excluded ghosts from mother and father tracking. As such, Flower Girls, SexLab and OStim are completely optional. * Tweaked the widget during pregnancy to better match a regular cycle (the progress bar reflects duration rather than baby health, and health is a number in the text). * Added an option to enable or disable baby health reduction. * Added an option to only track unique women. * Updated the widget with more precise fertility percentages based on egg availability, amount of sperm, and time. Install this instead of the base version for RSChildren compatibility. Adds child spawning and adoption after birth. Automated insemination only occurs if the man and woman are in the same location the last time the player visited it (eg. * Fixed a bug where sperm life and cycle duration were linked in the MCM. * Added an insemination event hook for other mods to use. Fertility Mode Adds a menstrual cycle to the women of Skyrim for role play purposes. When training is enabled, the child will automatically be added to a list of summonable adult NPCs. * Added the current cycle day to the debug MCM menu as additional information. For use of the requirements assets, you must follow the original author's permission guidelines and reach out to the original mod authors. Site news (important news will be issued), Comments on your files, images and videos, New images and videos added to your files. Update * Added more comments to the source code. Technically, there is a separate path that should allow the event to work without Lactis (just sexlab for the facial expressions and an "overlay"), but I haven't tested it. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. * Added a conception mod event for third party mod usage. Belly scaleing skyrim se fertility mode I installed body slide and racemenu wich has nioveride's files but no scaleing need help fixing it < > Showing 1-6 of 6 comments . * Added paging so the entire tracking list can be viewed. Erm. * Washout potions have been re-added, as with other potions they can be created at a cookpot. When the player gets pregnant or his wife you can make your child grow, however when a NPC gets pregnant the child never appeared. Fertility mode help! : r/skyrimmods - Reddit The mother's race must have a supported actor (all of the vanilla races are supported). * Added a debug MCM feature where an actor can be blocked from tracking updates. When adoption is enabled, the child will be automatically adopted if the following are true: a Hearthfire-compatible home is owned, the home has free child beds, there are available remaining slots for adoption, and the player is not currently in the target home. Install hundreds of mods with the click of a button. Child naming is now in place and enabled by default on new saves. Page 18 of 202 - Fertility Mode 3 fixes and Tweaks - posted in File topics: In response to post #92931648. Do the babies grow up? * Fixed a bug with the Flower Girls patch not working. * Added potions to the apothecary leveled list (dynamic, no merging required). All rights reserved. * Fixed a bug where the belly multiplier was not correctly used. New Events may be linked to another variant of FillHerUp SE which i happen to use. Q: Does it work in LE? Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. * Added potions to the apothecary leveled list (dynamic, no merging required). I'm using vanilla idles; if someone wants to create an awesome yet tasteful animation for Oldrim and SSE, you're welcome to do so and I'd be very appreciative. Added child naming for male players when an NPC gives birth. * Corrected SexLab hook registration. Baby steps, after all. SFO - Skin Feature Overlays (for Stretchmarks) Help! * Fixed a minor bug where insemination status in the widget is not immediately updated after drinking a washout potion. * Separated NPC and PC automatic insemination so they can be toggled and run independently. An add-on for Fertility Mode, Fertility Adventures adds dialogue and quests to NPCs who become pregnant. * Tweaked the widget's verbiage to better reflect the displayed data. Valve Corporation. Permission for those must be obtained from the original creators noted in the credits. * Modified father race selection to be consistent when the father's actor is not loaded.