I knew heading down to the Situk that conditions would be less than ideal. The fall run typically begins in November, these fall run steelhead travel through the Situk River and into Situk Lake to over winter and spawn along with the spring runs in May. The following is courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game: Work on the Situk River Lower Landing boat launch is continuing but should be done by this weekend. Closed Sunday. Please ensure to adhere to the fishing regulations for the state. Wind from the With that level of cloud coverage in the sky there is a 74% probability of rain. There is minimal quality assurance. A beautiful spring steelhead caught by Sara Cleaver. Visit https://www.weather.gov/owp/operations for access to new EXPERIMENTAL products and services from the National Water Center: National Hydrologic Discussion, Area Hydrologic Discussion, Flood Hazard Outlook and the National Water Center Visualization Services, a suite of geospatial services depicting River Forecast Center and National Water Model information. Steelhead: Low and Clear on the Situk - Fish Alaska For further information, please contact the Yakutat Area Sport Fish management biologist Jason Pawluk at (907) 784-3222. Interpreting hydrographs and NWS watch, warnings, and forecasts, and inundation maps, Survey grade GPS equipment, FEMA flood plain maps, newer USGS topographic maps, Older USGS topographic maps, NGVD29 benchmarks, Older USGS topographic maps, MSL benchmarks. Policies and Notices, U.S. Department of the Interior | Counting salmon through the Situk River weir allows the department to adjust weekly commercial fishing periods and sport fishing bag and possession limits on a timely basis to ensure that the BEG is met for each species. Wind from the East, fish bite the least. Horizontal Datum: Reply. Even at moderate and . Currently, the discharge is around 113 cfs. Page Contact Information: Alaska Water Data Support Team Try fishing in 40-70 feet of water while trolling your gear between 20-40 feet deep. Most anglers are trolling spoons or herring behind a flasher near the shoreline or around rocky structures. The gravel road leading to the 9 mile bridge isnt plowed during the winter. Yakutat Fishing Report: Steelhead On The Prowl In Situk River Southeast, Alaska Department of Fish and Game Pack your bags, rod and head out the door right now as you've got 100% cloud cover over Situk River. During the day the maximum temperature will be 41F with a min temperature of 35F around Situk River . USGS. Water levels on the Situk River continue to be very low despite this last week's rain and snow events which really didn't drop a lot of precipitation. The current CFS is in the mid-300's making for excellent wading conditions. Its less so about the direction but the cause for the direction. Situk River Fly Shop - fishing supplies stores - Alaska Handbook USGS Current Conditions for USGS 15129500 SITUK R NR YAKUTAT AK Fishing forblack rockfishis excellent in the Yakutat area. The Situk saw a considerable jump in discharge which is only now begining to recede as the weather has cleared up for a few days. Fishing has picked up over the past week, with anglers doing well on incoming tides in the lower river. Join for free today to access the capability once available. Yakutat Police Chief Jim Capra says. For further information, please get in touch with the Yakutat Area Sport Fish management biologist Jason Pawluk at (907) 784-3222. There is a weir set up on the lower Situk River, that counts out-migrating steelhead between the beginning of May and the end of June. Pack your bags, rod and head out the door right now as you've got 100% cloud cover over Situk River. Situk River Fishing Report | Yakutat City And Borough Fishing | Alaska For starters, the Situk River produces the largest steelhead catch in the state, according to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. You chances of bagging a few has increased. Mooching is also an effective method when a group of coho is found. BOX 327 YAKUTAT AK 99689. Fishing overall is decent. June 1 This big 50 pound Lingcod fish ate the smaller 10 pound Lingcod fish while it ate a Kodiak Custom Bottom Jig while fishing with Captain Jerry out of Yakutat Lodge. Reply. If the water is running high, you will want to bring extra split shot, a fast sink tip line and heavy flies. That place is the Situk River in Alaska. National Weather Service Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service