Many Bajans, like the ones ranting about Bajans being envious of CO Williams, have forgotten the past. i love justsayingbajan u keep it real , i was at the beach last sunday saw sum black kids some boys on the jetty behind the boatyard. The course of Charles Othniel Williams's life as a Barbadian entrepreneur could be traced to two strokes of bad luck in his early years. His wife Mary-Anne Lady Williams and his brother Ralph "Bizzy" Williams were at his bedside. To change the laws means politicians need to go to Parliament and vote to do so. hard work DOES pay off the narrow minded and ignorant posters on this site can only see fit to insult his family. On the one hand, COW is self made and he and his staff and his partners create jobs and real value for Barbados. A little while ago on the news on VOB (12:35 p.m.) I heard Ralph Bizzy Williams say that though agricultural land is protected, there is still land available that could be sold to bring in foreign exchange. Sir Rodney Errey Lawrence Williams, KGN, GCMG, KStJ (born 2 November 1947) is the current and 4th Governor-General of Antigua and Barbuda. The first was when, shortly after Charles's birth, his. A home is not an investment unless you have plans of rent some of the rooms in it, or selling it when the market is good. Family members and close friends, prominent members of the business community, polo players and company employees were among the many Barbadians who turned up at the Elliot Williams Polo Field in Waterhall, St James, yesterday to pay respects to late business magnate Sir Charles Williams. He was 88. Barbadians could do that work for themselves.. It is the reason why our education system is failing many because everyone cant be a lawyer. sorry about the length of my previous comment. There are coastal towns in some parts of Britain where such a high proportion of houses have been sold as holiday homes that young local people are priced out of the market and have to move away. Barbados Minister of International Business Donville Inniss: Swiss Bank Account for your online pornbusiness? He was suspicious about those who believed his white skin provided him with privilege. He picked a young non Black man who looked like he had just graduated from high school to supervise Black men two and three times his age and with much more experience. He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth in 2000 for his outstanding contribution to Barbados' development in a wide range of industries. Jealousy is like a cancer it eats at the very core of the system, and never get anyone anywhere. hey. Port St. Charles was developed by three Barbadian businessmen - Sir Charles Williams, his brother Ralph 'Bizzy' Williams, and Bjorn Bjerkhamn. This is the reason why we have to stop saying to our children that they should go to school and get a good job. He was also a black belly sheep farmer, and his company is a major player in the local cut flower industry. sorry about the length of my previous comment.}. Follow us on. The perceptions we know, the reality still eludes us. CO Williams British wife who probably has never done anything for Barbados stands to inherit much of Barbados when he dies. This is done all the time in Canada and some of the housing developments are very beautiful. The family invites you to view the live streaming of the service; to view, please click here. Sir Charles (Cow) Williams 25.11.2021 - HPA Polo UK We celebrate his legacy. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++. His name is associated not only with business, but polo and horse racing. But in between the land will flood period. In a previous post you said, Sometimes people are scapegoated to administer lessons ..e.g. Heard that COW wasnt all that he says he is. You can bet as humble as they might have been, they were built well out of harms way. Fax:(246) 434-2020 / (246) 434-1000. (GC). Would not the class differential/ability to wield influence kick in here? So occasionally parts of Sunset Crest and its environs floods hey . Meanwhile here in Barbados, we are stuck with a Bull in a China Shop. My question to Bizzy Williams is, Why is land in Barbados so expensive? He and his brother and their offspring are the main people who have been selling multi million dollar properties to wealthy foreigners. To my mind looking at the returning Nationals is to look in the wrong place. Never apologize for the length of your argument or the passion. (And yes, they are Bajan like the rest of us, so whether you think that is a problem is up to you. Congrats to Sir Williams on his achievements. Who made the better choice. Marcus or Clive or anybody, can you comment on this issue? Karl Watson/Dedawgster He went too far when he tried to force some Black Bajans who had been living on land next to one of his housing developments to move, so he could expand the development for rich White foreigners. Apes Hill Plantation, St. James, is currently owned by Sir Charles Williams, who is a major landowner in Barbados. The U.S. government is tearing down many of the housing projects that they built years ago, because they became drug and crime infested hell holes. This is impossible to answer with any precision without interviewing each employee with the extended Williams conglomerate and each employee in the Civil Service to ask them if they consider themselves to be black or white since may Bajans are a mixture!!!! Interesting that the Nation on Sunday May 1st. If anyone knows otherwise, please correct me. Point Id like to bring up and I dont know the answer off the top of my head and Im too lazy to look right now because Im heading out the door: Wasnt the home that fell into the cave built some decades ago? He often said his achievements were by dint of hard work, as he told an interviewer once: Hard work never scared me and I was always happy to make an extra buck.. Founder of the C.O. Making them rethink how to get things done and setting new goals. You have made my essential point very clear and far more succinctly than I did. and BTW COW, pretty is a matter of opinion.