I do my best to make sure everything I add to my lists is something I use or would use myself if I could have unlimited cc in my games lol! If you buy something we may get a small commission at no extra cost to you. Whisper eyes sims 4 for All sim characters for free! - SNOOTYSIMS This is what happens when you combine pyxiidiss sclera (also a pretty amazing Maxis Match CC creator, by the way) with cupidjuices Quartz V2 eyes. i'm a huge fan of the euphoria eyes by @pralinesims and wanted them. If youre looking for new eyes for your sims 4 game, these are the ones to get. They can be located in the face paint category and come in 15 gorgeous swatches. I strongly suggest checking out part one as there are some freaking awesome eye replacements for Occult Sims in there. But theyre not too matte or flat that they come off as dull or lifeless. It is the Sims 4 heterochromia eyes maxis match. 36+ Coolest Sims 4 Grunge CC Downloads (Perfect for Werewolves Gameplay). Crystal eyes is very much the correct description for these eyes. It follows TS4s cartoon-y look, but in a more understated and refined way. Please don't solicit our artists for other work, joining other sites or seeking to take and upload their work elsewhere. I was pleasantly surprised to see how well they translated in-game. MESMERIZING Sims 4 Heterochromia CC to Download NOW! With some more detail and subtle shadows on the sclera. Its definitely catchy if anything. 3,194 views jan 20, 2022 this video is for beginners that play sims 4 on pc or mac. Fun content on everything pop culture. We use cookies to improve your experience, measure your visits, and show you personalized advertising. It also comes with this really neat heterochromia option where you can change the color of just one eye. To install, click here. Does somebody here has them and could share them with me, that would be AWE-SOME! This is something we don't allow. Like, theres no mistaking the designs (of which there are 50 of, by the way). For mermaids, mermen, and other mysterious creatures of the deep, Miss Ruby Birds Aqua Trigger Eyes can add that mesmerizing element of strange, unusual, and otherworldly. So they will work with the default EA eyes (base game compatible) and with different non-EA eye mods. Plus there are heterochromia swatches for very distinctive looks, too! The Sims 4 Default Replacement Skin - SKINSA Want to save this list? Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. The set includes default eyes for human sims, aliens, and vampires. With that out of the way, lets dive right into our list! There are 35 swatches with pupils and 25 swatches without, for a grand total of 60 colors. and all species (as if Vampires and Mermaids needed cooler eyes, right? They come in 18 beautiful colors to choose from, including purples and greens. You just have to look at the preview photos to see how smooth these eyes are. It is the Sims 4 heterochromia eyes maxis match. This is why I decided to post the recolor and not the original version, as much as the original version absolutely knocked me off my feet. Heterochromia is also available for this set as facepaint. For that youll need to download the same: All just to mimic the look in the previews. . Because who even has the patience, time, or capacity to count the swatches of 232 files? If you saw the movie X-man, then you must have loved the professions Heterochromia eyes! Gosh, the way the colors and lights play out patterns on the iris is simply stunning. On top of the 18 default replacement eyes for humans (in EAs standard palette), the creator added 38 natural add-on swatches. Feel free to leave me a comment letting me know and follow me on Tumblr (@musthavemods) for more great sims 4 cc finds. Get VIP Membership and Read it Now! Well these Holobiont Eyes by RemusSirion are a perfect example of that. Please turn off your ad-blocker to download. This mod is basically a curated file (or files) of every single eye mod Pralinesims has created. And although Im a huge fan of the cutesy, cartoon-y look, I actually use V2. As a registered member, you can add up to 10 items in your favorites list. Yet another set from Pralinesims. I love the default replacements made by cupidjuice because they look brighter and way more expressive than EA defaults. Available to you for both genders and all ages. Weve compiled a list of the best default eyes and special default replacement CC packs for the Sims 4. Hello, I cant see the eyes set but when I load my game i see the files in the mod, can someone help me? And she put that knowledge to good use. This one will surely appeal to you. Andrina Eyes | Sims 4 cc eyes, Sims 4, Sims 4 body mods - Pinterest You get two files by visiting this link; a default-replacement package and a non-default version. To put into simpler words, you must have the base level of your eyes applied with the same set and texture. The eyes come in 18 colors and offer heterochromia options in the facepaint category. Red irises, black sclera, milky white sclera, golden cat-eyed slits on inky blackness who even knew demon eyes could come in so many variations? These are a great candidate for default eyes in your sims 4 game. And since Im trying to stay organized and true-to-theme, Im recommending part two instead which is purely eyes. The way the colors and catchlights play throughout the iris is equally as stunning. The base eyes are non-defaults that can be found under Eyes. I spent a solid five minutes randomizing different Sims, and the eyes always worked. This site is not endorsed by or affiliated with Electronic Arts, or its licencors. You will get 30 different color options again here. This set of sims 4 eyes comes in 18 stunning muted natural swatches. They have that distinct 2D animation look, the colors stand out very clearly against the sclera, and the details are kept to a bare minimum. 4. There are 72 eye colors available for this version, categorized according to palettes. There are a total of 99 swatches in this pack, including 32 natural swatches and 22 swatches with central heterochromia. 18 out of them are EA colors and the other 12 are custom colors. These eyes are the perfect accessory for any Sims 4 user. Other than that, they are still strikingly appealing. 2023 FandomSpot You feel like plunging into a sea. By CC FOR SIMS Updated on December 4, 2022 Heterochromia is a condition when someone has multicolored irises (the colored part of the eyes). The effect is subtle, but mesmerizing. What did you think of these sims 4 cc eyes? The Felicity Eyes default replacement has been updated for our newest lifestage, and now works for the whole family! They have no transparency and are enabled for all ages and genders. Its overall very neat and very clean, and it nails the animated cartoon-y feel of Maxis Match in The Sims 4! This set of eyes is taking Heterochromia eye to the next level. Vampires already have lots of cool eye options to begin with. Like I said, unconventional. Whatever the reason, these Whisper eyes are beautiful, and no one can convince me otherwise. I will admit that the base game options for Occult eyes are pretty darn interesting especially for Vampires.